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Text Effect
Well... Using Linux, the chances of attracting a virus is quite slim, "I" clicked the green download button and I was redirected to versions 7 (current) and 6....

As Maxwell Smart usually says, "Missed it by that much..." It would have been cool to examine the differences... *sigh*
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
(12-11-2024, 06:52 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Well... Using Linux, the chances of attracting a virus is quite slim, "I" clicked the green download button and I was redirected to versions 7 (current) and 6....

As Maxwell Smart usually says, "Missed it by that much..."  It would have been cool to examine the differences... *sigh*

Something strange on my old computer, I still have a small precious treasure....NaaLaa 4 is still there !!!

click the image to zoom in

It's bonker !!! (the primitive version of Pool / Billiard ? )

rem ==================================================================
rem Bonker.
rem I'm not quite sure what this is supposed to be.
rem ==================================================================

rem Global variables =================================================
    rem Objects.
    OBJ_X = 0
    OBJ_Y = 1
    OBJ_DX = 2
    OBJ_DY = 3
    vObjCount = 40
    rem Images.
    BALL_IMAGE = 0


rem Load =============================================================
load image BALL_IMAGE, "data/ball.bmp", "data/ball_.bmp"
load image BALL_SHADOW_IMAGE, "data/ball_shadow.bmp", "data/ball_shadow_.bmp"

if javac() then load font 0, "data/courier.txt", "data/courier.png"

rem Init =============================================================
set redraw off
randomize time()
proc InitObjects

rem Main loop ========================================================
    startTime = time()

    xMouse = mousex()
    yMouse = mousey()

    rem Bonk when user clicks.
    if mousebutton(0, true)
        proc Bonk xMouse, yMouse, 100.0

    rem Update objects.
    proc UpdateObjects

    rem Draw.
    set color 64, 64, 92

    proc DrawObjects

    set caret 320, 8
    set color 255, 255, 255
    center "Click anywhere to make nearby balls move!"

    proc HoldFrame startTime, 60
until keydown(27) or not running()


rem ==================================================================
rem Init objects.
rem ==================================================================
procedure InitObjects()
    for i = 0 to vObjCount - 1
        vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] = float(16 + rnd(640 - 32))
        vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] = float(16 + rnd(480 - 32))
        vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX] = 0.0
        vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY] = 0.0
        vObjColors[i][0] = 64 + rnd(255 - 64)
        vObjColors[i][1] = 64 + rnd(255 - 64)
        vObjColors[i][2] = 64 + rnd(255 - 64)

rem ==================================================================
rem Bonk.
rem ==================================================================
procedure Bonk(x, y, strength#)
    for i = 0 to vObjCount - 1
        dx# = vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] - float(x)
        dy# = vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] - float(y)
        d# = sqr(dx#*dx# + dy#*dy#)
        if d# < strength#
            force# = strength# - d#
            k# = 1.0/d#
            dx# = dx#*k#*force#*0.1
            dy# = dy#*k#*force#*0.1
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX] = vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX] + dx#
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY] = vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY] + dy#

rem ==================================================================
rem Update objects.
rem Most of the things in this procedure are very simplified and some
rem times completely wrong.
rem ==================================================================
procedure UpdateObjects()
    rem Update positions and speeds.
    for i = 0 to vObjCount - 1
        vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] = vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] + vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX]
        vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] = vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] + vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY]
        if vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] < 16.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] = 16.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX] = abs#(vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX])*0.8
        elseif vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] > 624.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] = 624.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX] = -abs#(vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX])*0.8
        if vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] < 16.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] = 16.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY] = abs#(vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY])*0.8
        elseif vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] > 464.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] = 464.0
            vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY] = -abs#(vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY])*0.8

        vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX] = vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX]*0.99
        vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY] = vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY]*0.99
    rem Deal with collisions.
    for i = 0 to vObjCount - 2
        for j = i + 1 to vObjCount - 1
            dx# = vObjects#[i][OBJ_X] - vObjects#[j][OBJ_X]
            dy# = vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y] - vObjects#[j][OBJ_Y]
            if abs#(dx#) < 32.0 and abs#(dy#) < 32.0
                d# = sqr(dx#*dx# + dy#*dy#)
                if d# < 32.0 and d# > 0.0
                    if vObjCol[i][j] = false
                        n#[] = vNormalize([dx#, dy#])
                        vi#[] = reflectedVector(vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX], vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY], n#[0], n#[1], vSize([vObjects#[j][OBJ_DX], vObjects#[j][OBJ_DY]]))
                        n#[] = vScale(n, -1.0)
                        vj#[] = reflectedVector(vObjects#[j][OBJ_DX], vObjects#[j][OBJ_DY], n#[0], n#[1], vSize([vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX], vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY]]))
                        vObjects#[i][OBJ_DX] = vi#[0]
                        vObjects#[i][OBJ_DY] = vi#[1]
                        vObjects#[j][OBJ_DX] = vj#[0]
                        vObjects#[j][OBJ_DY] = vj#[1]
                        vObjCol[i][j] = true
                    vObjCol[i][j] = false
                vObjCol[i][j] = false

rem ==================================================================
rem Draw objects.
rem ==================================================================
procedure DrawObjects()
    set color 255, 255, 255

    rem Shadows.
    for i = 0 to vObjCount - 1
        draw image BALL_SHADOW_IMAGE, int(vObjects#[i][OBJ_X]) - 18, int(vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y]) - 18

    rem Balls.
    for i = 0 to vObjCount - 1
        set color vObjColors[i][0], vObjColors[i][1], vObjColors[i][2]
        draw image BALL_IMAGE, int(vObjects#[i][OBJ_X]) - 16, int(vObjects#[i][OBJ_Y]) - 16

rem ==================================================================
rem Hold frame to maintain constant fps.
rem ==================================================================
procedure HoldFrame(startTime, fps)
    hold = 1000/fps
    endTime = time()
    deltaTime = endTime - startTime
    if deltaTime < hold
        wait hold - deltaTime
        wait 0

rem ==================================================================
rem Some functions for 2D vectors.
rem ==================================================================

function vAdd#[](a#[], b#[])
    return [a#[0] + b#[0], a#[1] + b#[1]]

function vSub#[](a#[], b#[])
    return [a#[0] - b#[0], a#[1] - b#[1]]

function vNormalize#[](a#[])
    k# = 1.0/sqr(a#[0]*a#[0] + a#[1]*a#[1])
    return [a#[0]*k#, a#[1]*k#]

function vDot#(a#[], b#[])
    return a#[0]*b#[0] + a#[1]*b#[1]

function vScale#[](a#[], k#)
    return [a#[0]*k#, a#[1]*k#]

function vSize#(a#[])
    return sqr(a#[0]*a#[0] + a#[1]*a#[1])

function reflectedVector#[](x#, y#, nx#, ny#, force#)
    s# = vDot#([x#, y#], [nx#, ny#])
    if s# < 0.0
        x# = -x#
        y# = -y#
        s# = vDot#([x#, y#], [nx#, ny#])
    p#[] = vScale([nx#, ny#], s#)
    b#[] = vSub(p, [x#, y#])

    return vAdd(vScale(vAdd(p, b), 0.25), vScale([nx#, ny#], force#*0.75))

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