Primitive Angry Bird - 1micha.elok - 03-13-2025
click the images to zoom in
Code: '====================================
' Primitive Angry Bird
' It's just a demo of simple physics
' Screen dimensions
set window "Primitive Angry Bird", 1000, 600,false
set redraw off
'color definition
black = [0,0,0]
white = [255,255,255]
green = [0,100,0]
lightgreen = [0,255,0]
brown = [255,100,10]
gray = [100,100,100]
red = [255,0,0]
' Gravity, Friction, Ground
gravity = 0.1
friction = 0.99 ' Friction to slow down movement
groundLevel = 350
' Bird,Pig,Boxes
visible bird = []
visible pig = []
visible boxes = []
' Mouse
startX = 0
startY = 0
' Main game loop
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true)
' clear screen
set color black
' info box
set color white
set caret 10,420
wln "--------------------"
wln "Primitive Angry Bird"
wln "--------------------"
wln "Drag the red cirle by pressing your left mouse button"
wln "Then hit the green circle !"
wln "Control Keys :"
wln "- SPACE BAR = restart"
wln "- ESCAPE = quit"
' Draw ground
set color green
draw rect 0, groundLevel, 1000, 50,true
set color white
draw rect 0, groundLevel, 1000, 50
' Draw bird
set color red
draw ellipse bird.x, bird.y, bird.size,bird.size,true
set color white
draw ellipse bird.x, bird.y, bird.size,bird.size
' Draw pig
set color lightgreen
draw ellipse pig.x, pig.y, pig.size, pig.size,true
set color white
draw ellipse pig.x, pig.y, pig.size, pig.size
' Draw boxes
for i = 0 to 2
set color brown
draw rect boxes[i].x, boxes[i].y, boxes.size, boxes.size, true
set color white
draw rect boxes[i].x, boxes[i].y, boxes.size, boxes.size
' Handle mouse input
if not mousebutton(0) then
' Start dragging
startX = mousex()
startY = mousey()
' Show trajectory line while dragging
set color gray
draw line bird.x, bird.y, mousex(), mousey()
' Release bird and calculate velocity
bird.vx = (startX - mousex()) / 10
bird.vy = (startY - mousey()) / 10
'Handle keyboard input to restart the game
if keydown(KEY_SPACE,true) then Initialize(groundLevel)
' Update bird position
' Apply gravity
bird.vy = bird.vy + gravity
' Update position
bird.x = bird.x + bird.vx
bird.y = bird.y + bird.vy
' Apply friction
bird.vx = bird.vx * friction
bird.vy = bird.vy * friction
' Check for ground collision
if bird.y >= groundLevel - bird.size then
bird.y = groundLevel - bird.size
bird.vy = -bird.vy * 0.7 ' Bounce with reduced energy
' Check for pig collision
distance = ((bird.x - pig.x)^2 + (bird.y - pig.y)^2)^0.5
if distance <= bird.size + pig.size then
pig.vx = bird.vx * 0.5 ' Transfer some velocity to the pig
pig.vy = bird.vy * 0.5
pig.hit = true
' Update position
bird.x = width()+500
' Check for boxes and bird collisions
for i = 0 to 2
if bird.x + bird.size > boxes[i].x and bird.x - bird.size < boxes[i].x + boxes.size and
bird.y + bird.size > boxes[i].y and bird.y - bird.size < boxes[i].y + boxes.size then
' Resolve overlap by moving bird away from box
dx = bird.x - (boxes[i].x + boxes.size / 2)
dy = bird.y - (boxes[i].y + boxes.size / 2)
distance = (dx^2 + dy^2)^0.5
if distance < bird.size + boxes.size / 2 then
' Move bird away from box
overlap = (bird.size + boxes.size / 2) - distance
bird.x = bird.x + (dx / distance) * overlap
bird.y = bird.y + (dy / distance) * overlap
' Transfer velocity between bird and box
tempVx = bird.vx
tempVy = bird.vy
bird.vx = boxes[i].vx * 0.5
bird.vy = boxes[i].vy * 0.5
boxes[i].vx = tempVx * 0.5
boxes[i].vy = tempVy * 0.5
boxes.hit = true
if boxes.hit or pig.hit then
' Update pig position
pig.y = pig.y + pig.vy
pig.x = pig.x + pig.vx
' Apply gravity to pig
pig.vy = pig.vy + gravity
' Check for ground collision for pig
if pig.y >= groundLevel - pig.size then
pig.y = groundLevel - pig.size
pig.vy = -pig.vy * 0.5 ' Bounce with reduced energy
pig.vx = -pig.vx * 0.5
' Update box positions
if boxes.hit then
for i = 0 to 2
boxes[i].y = boxes[i].y + boxes[i].vy
boxes[i].x = boxes[i].x + boxes[i].vx
' Apply gravity to boxes
boxes[i].vy = boxes[i].vy + gravity
' Check for ground collision for boxes
if boxes[i].y >= groundLevel - boxes.size then
boxes[i].y = groundLevel - boxes.size
boxes[i].vy = -boxes[i].vy * 0.01 ' Bounce with reduced energy
boxes[i].vx = -boxes[i].vx * 0.01
'Check for collisions between boxes
for i = 0 to 2
for j = 0 to 2
' Check if boxes overlap
if boxes[i].x < boxes[j].x + boxes.size and boxes[i].x + boxes.size > boxes[j].x and
boxes[i].y < boxes[j].y + boxes.size and boxes[i].y + boxes.size > boxes[j].y then
' Resolve overlap by moving boxes apart
dx = boxes[j].x - boxes[i].x
dy = boxes[j].y - boxes[i].y
overlapX = boxes.size - abs(dx)
overlapY = boxes.size - abs(dy)
if overlapX < overlapY then
' Resolve horizontally
if dx < 0 then
boxes[i].x = boxes[i].x - overlapX+rnd(2,6)
boxes[j].x = boxes[j].x + overlapX+rnd(2,6)
boxes[i].x = boxes[i].x + overlapX+rnd(2,6)
boxes[j].x = boxes[j].x - overlapX+rnd(2,6)
' Resolve vertically
if dy < 0 then
boxes[i].y = boxes[i].y - overlapY
boxes[j].y = boxes[j].y + overlapY
boxes[i].y = boxes[i].y + overlapY
boxes[j].y = boxes[j].y - overlapY
'Check for collisions between pig and boxes
for i = 0 to 2
'Check if pig overlaps with box
if pig.x + pig.size > boxes[i].x and pig.x - pig.size < boxes[i].x + boxes.size and
pig.y + pig.size > boxes[i].y and pig.y - pig.size < boxes[i].y + boxes.size then
' Resolve overlap
dx = (pig.x - (boxes[i].x + boxes.size / 2))
dy = (pig.y - (boxes[i].y + boxes.size / 2))
distance = (dx^2 + dy^2)^0.5
if distance < pig.size + boxes.size / 2 then
' Move pig away from box
overlap = (pig.size + boxes.size / 2) - distance
pig.x = pig.x + (dx / distance) * overlap
pig.y = pig.y + (dy / distance) * overlap
' Transfer velocity between pig and box
tempVx = pig.vx
tempVy = pig.vy
pig.vy = boxes[i].vx * 0.5
pig.vy = boxes[i].vy * 0.5
boxes[i].vx = tempVx * 0.5
boxes[i].vy = tempVy * 0.5
' Reset bird if it goes off-screen
if bird.x < 0 or bird.x > width() or bird.y > height() or bird.y < 0 then
bird.x = 100
bird.y = groundLevel - bird.size
bird.vx = 0
bird.vy = 0
' Refresh screen
fwait 60
function Initialize(groundLevel)
' Bird properties
bird.size = 10
bird.x = 100
bird.y = groundLevel - bird.size
bird.vx = 0 ' Horizontal velocity
bird.vy = 0 ' Vertical velocity
' Pig properties
pig.size = 15
pig.x = 700 ' Pig's x position
pig.y = groundLevel - pig.size - 3 * 30 ' Pig's y position (on top of boxes)
pig.vx = 0 ' Pig's horizontal velocity
pig.vy = 0 ' Pig's vertical velocity
pig.hit = false
' Box properties (stack of 3 boxes)
boxes.size = 30 ' Size of each box (width and height)
for i = 0 to 2
boxes[i] = []
boxes[i].x = pig.x-pig.size ' Staggered x positions
boxes[i].y = groundLevel - (i + 1) * boxes.size ' Stacked y positions
boxes[i].vx = 0 ' Horizontal velocity
boxes[i].vy = 0 ' Vertical velocity
boxes.hit = false
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - Marcus - 03-13-2025
Ooh, I'll check it out after work
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - kevin - 03-13-2025
Thanks 1micha.elok, love the simple physics, but really struggled with the control to move the ball - it just didn't seem to want to go where I wanted it to Quite possibly an issue more with me than the program
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - Marcus - 03-13-2025
Hehe, the controls feel a bit wonky (in a fun way) but I quite enjoyed playing around with them! It all looks promising
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - johnno56 - 03-13-2025
Figuring out control was an issue at first but eventually got the hang of it... Cool physics demo... One minor flaw... You seem to have forgotten the aliens? lol Eager to see what's next...
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - 1micha.elok - 03-14-2025
I'm currently working on a primitive version of angry birds, and it's been an exciting challenge ! I was particularly amazed by a Small pinball game by Kevin using Marcus' circle-line collision routines - It really inspired me.
Johnno, would you be interested in developing a simple physics engine together as I saw you once said something about simple physics enginee in Naalaa ? It could be a great learning experience, and as a starting point, we could draft some pseudocode or create basic functions such as gravity, friction, center of mass, velocity, collision of objects etc. It would be exciting to break down these core principles and build something solid from the ground up ! If you are intereted to work together with me to build simple physics library, let's do it
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - johnno56 - 03-14-2025
1micha.elok... Ah. I had to look up that reference just to refresh the memory... Yes, I remember asking about an engine, as I had seen other languages had an engine, in varying degrees of complexity. I remember asking if N7 could do it and "how" as I had no idea how to go about it... I would be honoured to participate but, be warned, my skill in math is not very good. That being said, if I can help in any way, I will... Just don't expect bone-rattling algorithms or jaw-dropping graphics... lol
Coordinating times could be interesting, as I live on the other side of this planet... lol In the meantime I will begin to research what a physics engine consists of... *gulp*
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - 1micha.elok - 03-16-2025
(03-14-2025, 04:59 AM)johnno56 Wrote: 1micha.elok... Ah. I had to look up that reference just to refresh the memory... Yes, I remember asking about an engine, as I had seen other languages had an engine, in varying degrees of complexity. I remember asking if N7 could do it and "how" as I had no idea how to go about it... I would be honoured to participate but, be warned, my skill in math is not very good. That being said, if I can help in any way, I will... Just don't expect bone-rattling algorithms or jaw-dropping graphics... lol
Coordinating times could be interesting, as I live on the other side of this planet... lol In the meantime I will begin to research what a physics engine consists of... *gulp*
Great, Johnno ! Even I don't know how far we can build the physics engine. Perhaps some physics in the Primitive Angry Bird are our starting point, and I am making a simple physics on a bridge. I'll make a new post then here
Meanwhile, happy Sunday and enjoy the Autumn in the southern hemisphere !
RE: Primitive Angry Bird - johnno56 - 03-16-2025
Autumn... Yeah... 34C yesterday... 15C and raining today... Who knew, right?
I have checked out the "bridge"... that one will take me a while to get my head around it... lol Been looking through a lot of video clips etc in reference to engines, concepts and design... Pretty much all of them introduce some serious math to calculate not just collision detection but collision resolution, velocity, delta time, mass, acceleration... I am beginning to hate Isaac Newton... lol Most of the listings may as well have been written in Greek... I have been looking at some Javascript listings. They seem easier to read but I do not know enough of JS to convert to anything... I will go over your two demos and see what I can learn... In the meantime... Many years back I managed to convert a simple water-flow demo into sdlbasic ... if I can find it, I will try to convert it to N7, but uncertain as to where its or even if it exists at all... lol Again, thanks for the demos...
Gotta get some sleep... I'll "hit the books" in the morning... "after" my coffee of course... lol
Project : Physics 101 - 1micha.elok - 03-23-2025
"The code is simply an attempt to simulate a rectangle falling from the top to the ground. Please be aware that there are still some bugs and errors, which do not accurately reflect real-world physics."