Yesterday, 12:59 PM
THE SIXTH FORM OF GOLDEN WAVES (repost and modified)
click image to zoom in
ESC = quit
UP, DOWN = amplitudo value,0-100
LEFT,RIGHT = chaos value,0-2
PRESET FORMS : (Press 1-5)
1 = calm
2 = ripple
3 = shaked
4 = disturbed
5 = irregular
- Posted by johnno1956 on the naalaa forum.
"Here is a short graphical demo that started with Basic256, sdlBasic and RCBasiWhy not N7?"
- Modified on Dec 2024 by Micha
Add interactivity
click image to zoom in
ESC = quit
UP, DOWN = amplitudo value,0-100
LEFT,RIGHT = chaos value,0-2
PRESET FORMS : (Press 1-5)
1 = calm
2 = ripple
3 = shaked
4 = disturbed
5 = irregular
- Posted by johnno1956 on the naalaa forum.
"Here is a short graphical demo that started with Basic256, sdlBasic and RCBasiWhy not N7?"
- Modified on Dec 2024 by Micha
Add interactivity
' THE SIXTH FORM OF GOLDEN WAVES (repost and modified)
' ESC = quit
' UP, DOWN = amplitudo value,0-100
' LEFT,RIGHT = chaos value,0-2
' 1 = calm
' 2 = ripple
' 3 = shaked
' 4 = disturbed
' 5 = irregular
' LOGS :
' - Posted by johnno1956 on the naalaa forum.
' "Here is a short graphical demo that
' started with Basic256, sdlBasic and RCBasic
' Why not N7?"
' - Modified on Dec 2024 by Micha
' Add interactivity
'set window size
set window "The 6th Form of Golden Waves", 600, 470
set redraw off
'color definition
black = [0,0,0]
leftgold = [60, 60, 0]
rightgold = [150,150,0]
white = [255,255,255]
'initial value
amplitudo = 0
chaos = 0
name = "calm"
'main loop
for t = 10 to 60 step 0.1
'clear screen
set color black; cls
set color white
set caret 10,10
wln "Amplitudo = "+amplitudo
wln "Chaos = "+chaos
wln "Name = "+name
for y1 = 0 to 24
for x1 = 0 to 24
x = (12 * (24 - x1)) + (12 * y1)
y = (-6 * (24 - x1)) + (6 * y1) + 300
d = ((10 - x1) ^ 2 + (10 - y1) ^ 2) ^ 0.5
if keydown(KEY_UP,true) then
amplitudo = min(amplitudo+1,100)
name = "custom"
elseif keydown(KEY_DOWN,true) then
amplitudo = max(amplitudo-1,0)
name = "custom"
elseif keydown(KEY_RIGHT,true) then
chaos = min(chaos+0.01,2)
name = "custom"
elseif keydown(KEY_LEFT,true) then
chaos = max(chaos-0.01,0)
name = "custom"
if keydown(KEY_1,true) then
amplitudo = 0
chaos = 0
name = "calm"
elseif keydown(KEY_2,true) then
amplitudo = 3
chaos = 1
name = "ripple"
elseif keydown(KEY_3,true) then
amplitudo = 25
chaos = 0.1
name = "shaked"
elseif keydown(KEY_4,true) then
amplitudo = 60
chaos = 0.3
name = "disturbed"
elseif keydown(KEY_5,true) then
amplitudo = 100
chaos = 2
name = "irregular"
h = amplitudo*sin(d * chaos + t) + 70
'on top
set color [100 + h, 100 + h, h]
gold = [x, y - h, x + 10, y + 5 -h, x + 20, y - h, x + 10, y - 5 - h]
draw poly gold, 1
'left side
set color leftgold
gold = [x, y - h, x + 10, y + 5 - h, x + 10, y, x, y - 5]
draw poly gold, 1
'right side
set color rightgold
gold = [x + 10, y + 5 - h, x + 10, y, x + 20, y - 5, x + 20, y - h]
draw poly gold, 1
'ESC to quit
if keydown(KEY_ESCAPE) end
fwait 30