I woke up two hours early and couldn't fall asleep again So I did some n7 coding before work ...
Here I use the n6 path finder converted to n7 to solve mazes. I believe the original code, by John, was meant for controlling characters in top-down tilemap games by clicking with the mouse. So the "optimizations" (search order in FindPathRec) probably just slows things down in mazes like these.
Here I use the n6 path finder converted to n7 to solve mazes. I believe the original code, by John, was meant for controlling characters in top-down tilemap games by clicking with the mouse. So the "optimizations" (search order in FindPathRec) probably just slows things down in mazes like these.
set window "maze", 320, 240, false, 2
set redraw off
randomize time()
' Generate maze and convert to a suitable format.
maze = GenerateMaze(24, 24)
map = fill([wall: true], sizeof(maze)*2 + 1, sizeof(maze[0])*2 + 1)
for x = 0 to sizeof(maze) - 1 for y = 0 to sizeof(maze[0]) - 1
map[x*2 + 1][y*2 + 1].wall = false
if maze[x][y].l = true map[x*2][y*2 + 1].wall = false
if maze[x][y].u = true map[x*2 + 1][y*2].wall = false
' Display the map.
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
side = 4
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1 for y = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1
dx = x*side; dy = y*side
if map[x][y].wall draw rect x*side, y*side, side, side, true
' Find a path from top left to bottom right corner. FindPath returns an array of objects with x
' and y fields.
path = FindPath(map, 1, 1, sizeof(map) - 2, sizeof(map[0]) - 2)
' Display solution. Let d be an index for the path array, increase it by one every frame.
d = 0
set color 0, 128, 200
while not mousebutton(0, true)
' Draw current step in the path.
if d < sizeof(path)
draw rect path[d].x*side, path[d].y*side, side, side, true
d = d + 1
fwait 30
' FindPath
' --------
' Find path in map from (srcX, srcY) to (dstX, dstY) as an array of objects with x and y fields. If
' no path could be found, an empty array is returned. The map must be a 2d array, map[x][y], where
' each element is an object with a wall field that tells whether the position is blocked or not.
function FindPath(map, srcX, srcY, dstX, dstY)
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1 for y = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1 map[x][y].dist = unset
result = []
FindPathRec(map, srcX, srcY, dstX, dstY, 0, result)
return result
' FindPathRec
' -----------
function FindPathRec(map, x, y, dstX, dstY, distance, result)
if x < 0 or x >= sizeof(map) return false
if y < 0 or y >= sizeof(map[0]) return false
if map[x][y].wall return false
if typeof(map[x][y].dist) and map[x][y].dist <= distance return false
map[x][y].dist = distance
if x = dstX and y = dstY
clear result
result[distance] = [x: x, y: y]
return true
dx = dstX - x
dy = dstY - y
if |dx| > |dy|
if dx < 0
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dy < 0
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dy < 0
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dy < 0
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dx < 0
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resDown = FindPathRec(map, x, y + 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if dx < 0
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resRight = FindPathRec(map, x + 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resUp = FindPathRec(map, x, y - 1, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
resLeft = FindPathRec(map, x - 1, y, dstX, dstY, distance + 1, result)
if resLeft or resRight or resUp or resDown
result[distance] = [x: x, y: y]
return true
return false
function GenerateMaze(w, h)
maze = fill([vis: false, dead: false, l: false, r: false, u: false, d: false], w, h)
GenerateMazeRec(maze, rnd(sizeof(maze)), rnd(sizeof(maze[0])), 0)
return maze
function GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y, dir)
if x < 0 or x >= sizeof(maze) or y < 0 or y >= sizeof(maze[0]) return false
if maze[x][y].vis return false
maze[x][y].vis = true
if dir = 1
maze[x][y].r = true
maze[x + 1][y].l = true
elseif dir = 2
maze[x][y].l = true
maze[x - 1][y].r = true
elseif dir = 3
maze[x][y].d = true
maze[x][y + 1].u = true
elseif dir = 4
maze[x][y].u = true
maze[x][y - 1].d = true
visit = [1, 2, 3, 4]
count = 0
while sizeof(visit)
index = rnd(sizeof(visit))
if visit[index] = 1 count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x - 1, y, 1)
elseif visit[index] = 2 count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x + 1, y, 2)
elseif visit[index] = 3 count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y - 1, 3)
else count = count + GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y + 1, 4)
free key visit, index
maze[x][y].dead = count = 0
return true