Here's an example with borders on the left and right, which is what I assume you want:
' Window width and height.
winW = 640
winH = 480
' Aspect correct width based on height. I'm assuming that the problem is on the left and right sides now.
scrW = int(winH*screenw()/screenh())
scrH = winH
' Offset.
offsX = int((scrW - winW)/2)
offsY = 0
' Create an image to draw to.
canvas = createimage(winW, winH)
' Create window.
set window "Letterboxing", scrW, scrH, true
set redraw off
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
' Use offsets to calculate correct mouse coordinates.
mx = min(max(mousex() - offsX, 0), winW - 1)
my = min(max(mousey() - offsY, 0), winH - 1)
' Set destination image to canvas.
set image canvas
' Draw everything.
set color 128, 128, 128
for i = 1 to 100
set color rnd(256), rnd(256), rnd(256)
draw rect rnd(winW) - 32, rnd(winH) - 32, rnd(64), rnd(64), true
' Set destination image back to primary (window).
set image primary
' Draw black borders.
set color 0, 0, 0
' Draw canvas.
set color 255, 255, 255
draw image canvas, offsX, offsY
' Write mouse coordnates.
set caret 0, 0
write "(" + mx + ", " + my + ")"
fwait 60