02-02-2025, 05:01 AM
(02-01-2025, 06:40 PM)johnno56 Wrote: ...
Only one thing missing: Aliens. There were no aliens... lol
An alien popped from the pixelated sky,
In 3D Breakout it blinked with a glowing eye.
"Invade the Earth!" it beeped, "or I’ll blast you away",
Who invited me here? Was it Bob yesterday?"
click the image to zoom in
' - Animation only
' - Alien Shape
' breakout3d.n7 by Marcus
include "s3d.n7"
include "sfx.n7"
constant FPS_CAP = 60
constant MOUSE_SENS = 1 ' Modify this if mouse sensitivity feels wrong
visible vSfx = SFX()
visible vSoundMaxD = 32
visible vRes = 480
visible vRedBrickImage, vGreenBrickImage, vBlueBrickImage, vBallImage, vPaddleImage
visible vWhiteImage
visible vFloorImage
visible vPaddleSound, vWallSound, vBrickHitSound, vBrickDestroyedSound
visible vPaddleX, vPaddleZ, vPaddleW
visible vCamX, vCamY, vCamZ, vCamYaw, vCamPitch
set window "Breakout 3D - MOD", vRes*screenw()/screenh(), vRes, false
set redraw off
S3D_SetView(primary, rad(60), 0.1, 30)
cube = S3D_BeginMesh()
S3D_Scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
S3D_Translate(1, -1, 1)
' Top face.
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, 1, 1, 1)
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, -1, 1, 0)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, 1, 0, 1)
' Front face.
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, -1, 1, 0)
S3D_Vertex(1, 1, -1, 1, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, 1, -1, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
' Left face.
S3D_Vertex(-1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, 1, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
S3D_Vertex(-1, 1, -1, 1, 0)
' Right face.
S3D_Vertex(1, 1, -1, 1, 0)
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, 1, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
' Done drawing quads.
paddle = S3D_BeginMesh()
S3D_Scale(2, 0.25, 0.25)
S3D_Translate(0, -1, 0)
' Top face.
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, 1, 1, 1)
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, -1, 1, 0)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, 1, 0, 1)
' Front face.
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, -1, 1, 0)
S3D_Vertex(1, 1, -1, 1, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, 1, -1, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
' Left face.
S3D_Vertex(-1, 1, 1, 0.25, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, 1, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
S3D_Vertex(-1, 1, -1, 0.25, 0)
' Right face.
S3D_Vertex(1, 1, -1, 0.25, 0)
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, -1, 0, 0)
S3D_Vertex(1, -1, 1, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(1, 1, 1, 0.25, 1)
' Done drawing quads.
'bricks shapes
visible vBricks = fill(unset, 15, 10, 3)
'for x = 0 to 14 for z = 0 to 9 for y = 0 to 2
' if y = 0 and rnd(2) = 0 or y > 0 and vBricks[x][z][y - 1] and rnd(2) = 0
' select rnd(3)
' case 0 vBricks[x][z][y] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
' case 1 vBricks[x][z][y] = [st: 2, m: cube, t: vGreenBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
' case 2 vBricks[x][z][y] = [st: 3, m: cube, t: vBlueBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
' endsel
' endif
for x = 5 to 8
vBricks[x][9][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 3 to 10
vBricks[x][8][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 2 to 11
vBricks[x][7][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[x][5][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 2 to 3
vBricks[x][6][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 4 to 5
vBricks[x][6][0] = [st: 2, m: cube, t: vBlueBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[x][6][1] = [st: 2, m: cube, t: vBlueBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 8 to 9
vBricks[x][6][0] = [st: 2, m: cube, t: vBlueBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[x][6][1] = [st: 2, m: cube, t: vBlueBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 6 to 7
vBricks[x][6][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 10 to 11
vBricks[x][6][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 4 to 5
vBricks[x][4][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 6 to 7
vBricks[x][4][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vBlueBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[x][4][1] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vBlueBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 8 to 9
vBricks[x][4][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 3 to 4
vBricks[x][3][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 6 to 7
vBricks[x][3][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
for x = 9 to 10
vBricks[x][3][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[3][2][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[10][2][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[2][1][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
vBricks[11][1][0] = [st: 1, m: cube, t: vRedBrickImage, offs: 0, ht: 0]
visible vLastTick = 0
vCamX = 7.5
vCamY = -8
vCamZ = -0.5'default = -8.5
vCamPitch = -0.99'default = -rad(45)
vCamYaw = 0
vPaddleX = 7.5
vPaddleZ = -5
vPaddleW = 2
ball = [x: 7.5, z: -2, dx: 1, dz: 1, spd: 5]
k = 1/sqr(ball.dx^2 + ball.dz^2)
ball.dx = ball.dx*k; ball.dz = ball.dz*k
balls = []
balls[sizeof(balls)] = ball
set mouse off
start = true 'press space bar to continue
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
dt = DeltaTime()
'mdx = mouserelx()
'set mouse width(primary)/2, height(primary)/2
'vPaddleX = min(max(vPaddleX + min(mdx*0.075*MOUSE_SENS, 0.5), vPaddleW/2), 15 - vPaddleW/2)
vCamX = vCamX*0.975 + vPaddleX*0.025
' camz can be modified a bit by the ball position
vCamYaw = -rad(5*(vPaddleX - 7.5)/7.5)
i = 0; while i < sizeof(balls)
if UpdateBall(ball, dt) i = i + 1
else free key balls, i
set color 0, 0,0
S3D_Translate(-vCamX, -vCamY, -vCamZ)
S3D_Color(255, 255, 255)
S3D_Vertex(0, 0.05, -6, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(0, 0.05, 10, 0, 0)
S3D_Vertex(15, 0.05, 10, 1, 0)
S3D_Vertex(15, 0.05, -6, 1, 1)
for x = 0 to 14 for z = 0 to 9 for y = 0 to 2
b = vBricks[x][z][y]
if b
if b.offs > 0
b.spd = b.spd + 7*dt
b.offs = max(b.offs - b.spd*dt, 0)
S3D_Translate(x, -(y + b.offs), z)
if b.ht
b.ht = max(b.ht - 1, 0)
S3D_Mesh(b.m, 0)
S3D_Translate(vPaddleX, 0, vPaddleZ)
S3D_Scale(vPaddleW, 1, 1)
S3D_Mesh(paddle, 0)
foreach ball in balls
S3D_Translate(ball.x, -0.25, ball.z)
S3D_Color(255, 255, 255)
S3D_Vertex(0.25, -0.25, 0, 1, 0)
S3D_Vertex(0.25, 0.25, 0, 1, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-0.25, 0.25, 0, 0, 1)
S3D_Vertex(-0.25, -0.25, 0, 0, 0)
set color 255, 255, 255
if start then
set caret width()/2, height()-50
center "Press SPACE BAR to continue"
do;wait 1;until keydown(KEY_SPACE,true)
start = false
set caret 0,0
wln "FPS = "+int(1/dt)
' no fps cap might affect mouse input on fast computers, maybe wait more than 1?
if FPS_CAP > 0 fwait FPS_CAP
else wait 1
' UpdateBall
' ----------
function UpdateBall(ball, dt)
' Move in z.
ball.z = ball.z + dt*ball.dz*ball.spd
if ball.dz < 0
iz = floor(ball.z - 0.25)
if iz >= 0 and iz < 10
ixl = floor(ball.x - 0.25); ixr = floor(ball.x + 0.25)
if ixl >= 0 and ixl < 15 and vBricks[ixl][iz][0]
HitBrick(ixl, iz)
ball.z = iz + 1 + 0.251; ball.dz = |ball.dz|
if ixr >= 0 and ixr < 15 and vBricks[ixr][iz][0]
HitBrick(ixr, iz)
ball.z = iz + 1 + 0.251; ball.dz = |ball.dz|
elseif iz < 0'iz < -10
'ball.z = -10 + 0.251; ball.dz = |ball.dz|
ball.z = 0 + 0.251; ball.dz = |ball.dz|
elseif ball.dz > 0
iz = floor(ball.z + 0.25)
if iz >= 0 and iz < 10
ixl = floor(ball.x - 0.25); ixr = floor(ball.x + 0.25)
if ixl >= 0 and ixl < 15 and vBricks[ixl][iz][0]
HitBrick(ixl, iz)
ball.z = iz - 0.251; ball.dz = -|ball.dz|
if ixr >= 0 and ixr < 15 and vBricks[ixr][iz][0]
HitBrick(ixr, iz)
ball.z = iz - 0.251; ball.dz = -|ball.dz|
elseif iz > 10
ball.z = 10 - 0.251; ball.dz = -|ball.dz|
PlaySound3D(vWallSound, 1, ball.x, 0.25, ball.z, vSoundMaxD)
' Move in x.
ball.x = ball.x + dt*ball.dx*ball.spd
if ball.dx < 0
ix = floor(ball.x - 0.25)
if ix >= 0 and ix < 15
izt = floor(ball.z - 0.25); izb = floor(ball.z + 0.25)
if izt >= 0 and izt < 10 and vBricks[ix][izt][0]
HitBrick(ix, izt)
ball.x = ix + 1 + 0.251; ball.dx = |ball.dx|
if izb >= 0 and izb < 10 and vBricks[ix][izb][0]
HitBrick(ix, izb)
ball.x = ix + 1 + 0.251; ball.dx = |ball.dx|
elseif ix < 0
ball.x = 0.251; ball.dx = |ball.dx|
PlaySound3D(vWallSound, 1, ball.x, 0.25, ball.z, vSoundMaxD)
elseif ball.dx > 0
ix = floor(ball.x + 0.25)
if ix >= 0 and ix < 15
izt = floor(ball.z - 0.25); izb = floor(ball.z + 0.25)
if izt >= 0 and izt < 10 and vBricks[ix][izt][0]
HitBrick(ix, izt)
ball.x = ix - 0.251; ball.dx = -|ball.dx|
if izb >= 0 and izb < 10 and vBricks[ix][izb][0]
HitBrick(ix, izb)
ball.x = ix - 0.251; ball.dx = -|ball.dx|
elseif ix >= 15
ball.x = 15 - 0.251; ball.dx = -|ball.dx|
PlaySound3D(vWallSound, 1, ball.x, 0.25, ball.z, vSoundMaxD)
dx = (ball.x - vPaddleX)/(vPaddleW*0.5 + 0.25)
if |dx| < 1 and ball.dz < 0 and ball.z > vPaddleZ and ball.z - vPaddleZ < 0.5
ball.dx = dx*2.5
ball.dz = 1
k = 1/sqr(ball.dx^2 + ball.dz^2)
ball.dx = ball.dx*k; ball.dz = ball.dz*k
PlaySound3D(vPaddleSound, 1, ball.x, 0.25, ball.z, vSoundMaxD)
return true
' HitBrick
' --------
function HitBrick(x, z)
b = vBricks[x][z][0]
if b and b.ht = 0 and b.offs < 0.5
b.st = b.st - 1
if b.st > 0
b.ht = 10
PlaySound3D(vBrickHitSound, 1, x + 0.5, 0.5 + b.offs, z + 0.5, vSoundMaxD)
for i = 0 to 1
vBricks[x][z][i] = vBricks[x][z][i + 1]
if vBricks[x][z][i]
if vBricks[x][z][i].offs = 0
vBricks[x][z][i].spd = 0
vBricks[x][z][i].offs = vBricks[x][z][i].offs + 1
vBricks[x][z][2] = unset
PlaySound3D(vBrickDestroyedSound, 1, x + 0.5, 0.5 + b.offs, z + 0.5, vSoundMaxD)
function DeltaTime()
t = clock()
dt = (min(t - vLastTick, 100))/1000
vLastTick = t
return dt
' LoadAssets
' ----------
function LoadAssets()
' Make bricks less and less bright for each hit.
vRedBrickImage = createimage(32, 32)
set image vRedBrickImage
set color 32, 0, 32; cls
set color 255, 255, 255; draw rect 0, 0, 32, 32, false
set color 255, 0, 128; draw rect 1, 1, 30, 30, false
set color 128, 0, 0; draw rect 2, 2, 28, 28, false
set image primary
BoxBlur(vRedBrickImage, 3, 3)
vGreenBrickImage = createimage(32, 32)
set image vGreenBrickImage
set color 32, 16, 0; cls
set color 255, 255, 255; draw rect 0, 0, 32, 32, false
set color 255, 128, 0; draw rect 1, 1, 30, 30, false
set color 128, 0, 0; draw rect 2, 2, 28, 28, false
set image primary
BoxBlur(vGreenBrickImage, 3, 3)
vBlueBrickImage = createimage(32, 32)
set image vBlueBrickImage
set color 0, 16, 32; cls
set color 255, 255, 255; draw rect 0, 0, 32, 32, false
set color 0, 128, 255; draw rect 1, 1, 30, 30, false
set color 0, 0, 128; draw rect 2, 2, 28, 28, false
set image primary
BoxBlur(vBlueBrickImage, 3, 3)
vBallImage = createimage(31, 31)
set image vBallImage
set color 255, 255, 255; cls
set color 16, 16, 16; draw ellipse 15, 15, 11, 11, true
set image primary
BoxBlur(vBallImage, 4, 4)
set image vBallImage
set color 255, 0, 255
for y = 0 to 30 for x = 0 to 30
d = sqr((x - 15)^2 + (y - 15)^2)
if d >= 14.5 set pixel x, y
set image primary
set image colorkey vBallImage, 255, 0, 255
data = MD_Generate(257, 1, 0.1, 52)
vFloorImage = createimage(256, 256)
set image vFloorImage
for y = 0 to 255 for x = 0 to 255
c = data[x][y]
if int(y/17 + x/17)%2 = 0
set color c*4, c*16, c*32
set color c*2, c*8, c*16
set pixel x, y
set image primary
BoxBlur(vFloorImage, 2, 2)
vPaddleImage = createimage(128, 32)
set image vPaddleImage
set color 0, 8, 32; cls
set color 204, 0, 0
draw rect 0, 0, 32, 32, true; draw rect 96, 0, 32, 32, true
set color 255, 255, 255, 204
draw rect 0, 0, 32, 32; draw rect 1, 1, 30, 30; draw rect 2, 2, 28, 28
draw rect 96, 0, 32, 32; draw rect 97, 1, 30, 30; draw rect 98, 2, 28, 28
set color 0, 64, 255, 128
draw rect 32, 0, 64, 32; draw rect 33, 1, 62, 30; draw rect 34, 2, 60, 28
set image primary
BoxBlur(vPaddleImage, 3, 3)
vWhiteImage = createimage(32, 32)
set image vWhiteImage
set color 255, 255, 255
set image primary
' create sound effects.
vSfx.SetEcho(3, 0.25, 0.1, 0.25)
vPaddleSound = vSfx.SineWave(0.2, [400, 100, 200], [1, 0])
vWallSound = vSfx.SineWave(0.15, [200, 100, 400], [0.5, 0])
vBrickHitSound = vSfx.SquareWave(0.15, [150, 100, 50], [0.25, 0, 0])
vBrickDestroyedSound = vSfx.Noise(0.3, [1000, 100, 500], [1, 0])
' PlaySound3D
' -----------
function PlaySound3D(snd, vol, x, y, z, maxd)
dx = x - vCamX; dy = y - vCamY; dz = z - vCamZ
d = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
if d >= maxd*maxd return
if d > 0
d = sqr(d); k = 1.0/d
dx = dx*k; dy = dy*k; dz = dz*k
d = (maxd - min(maxd, d))/maxd
cp = cos(vCamPitch)
pan = (cos(vCamYaw)*cp*dx - sin(vCamYaw)*cp*dz)*0.9
d = 1
pan = 0
play sound snd, vol*d, pan
' BoxBlur
' -------
function BoxBlur(img, rx, ry)
rx = max(int(rx), 0); ry = max(int(ry), 0)
set image img
w = width(img); h = height(img)
data = dim(w, h)
' Blur vertically
for y = 0 to h - 1 for x = 0 to w - 1 data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
count = ry*2 + 1
for x = 0 to w - 1
sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
for y = -ry to ry
p = data[x][y%h];
sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
for y = 0 to h - 1
set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
set pixel x, y
p = data[x][(y - ry)%h]
sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
p = data[x][(y + ry + 1)%h]
sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
' Blur horizontally.
for y = 0 to h - 1 for x = 0 to w - 1 data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
count = rx*2 + 1
for y = 0 to h - 1
sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
for x = -rx to rx
p = data[x%w][y]
sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
for x = 0 to w - 1
set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
set pixel x, y
p = data[(x - rx)%w][y]
sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
p = data[(x + rx + 1)%w][y]
sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
set image primary
' Pixeli helpers.
function Alpha(c); return int(c/16777216); endfunc
function Red(c); return int((c/65536))%256; endfunc
function Green(c); return int((c/256))%256; endfunc
function Blue(c); return c%256; endfunc
function MD_Generate(size, contrast, smooth, seed)
randomize seed
contrast = max(min(contrast, 1), 0)
smooth = 1 - max(min(smooth, 1), 0)
md = dim(size, size)
md[0][0] = 0.5 + contrast*rnd() - contrast*0.5
md[size - 1][0] = 0.5 + contrast*rnd() - contrast*0.5
md[size - 1][size - 1] = 0.5 + contrast*rnd() - contrast*0.5
md[0][size - 1] = 0.5 + contrast*rnd() - contrast*0.5
MD_Rec(md, 0, 0, size - 1, size - 1, contrast, smooth)
return md
function MD_Rec(md, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, contrast, smooth)
if xmax - xmin <= 1 return
if ymax - ymin <= 1 return
hw = (xmin + xmax)/2
hh = (ymin + ymax)/2
md[hw][hh] = (md[xmin][ymin] + md[xmax][ymin] + md[xmax][ymax] + md[xmin][ymax])*0.25 + contrast*rnd() - contrast*0.5
md[hw][hh] = max(md[hw][hh], 0)
md[hw][hh] = min(md[hw][hh], 1)
md[xmin][hh] = (md[xmin][ymin] + md[xmin][ymax])*0.5
md[xmax][hh] = (md[xmax][ymin] + md[xmax][ymax])*0.5
md[hw][ymin] = (md[xmin][ymin] + md[xmax][ymin])*0.5
md[hw][ymax] = (md[xmin][ymax] + md[xmax][ymax])*0.5
MD_Rec(md, xmin, ymin, hw, hh, contrast*smooth, smooth)
MD_Rec(md, hw, ymin, xmax, hh, contrast*smooth, smooth)
MD_Rec(md, xmin, hh, hw, ymax, contrast*smooth, smooth)
MD_Rec(md, hw, hh, xmax, ymax, contrast*smooth, smooth)