03-12-2024, 11:57 AM
Progress Day 2
- Distance ( limited distance to finish line)
- Life ( display only at the moment )
- Speed ( press W to accelerate, S to deaccelerate )
- Moving background (city, woods)
click the image to zoom in
Works to do
1. Incoming barrier : fence, road barrier,
billboard, cliffs, signs, snowman,trees
if hit barrier Life = Life - 1
2. Dashboard : speed
3. street track
note : since I have only 3 days before this weekend to finish the game, I reduce my scope of work in the "works to do" list.
- Distance ( limited distance to finish line)
- Life ( display only at the moment )
- Speed ( press W to accelerate, S to deaccelerate )
- Moving background (city, woods)
click the image to zoom in
Works to do
1. Incoming barrier : fence, road barrier,
billboard, cliffs, signs, snowman,trees
if hit barrier Life = Life - 1
2. Dashboard : speed
3. street track
note : since I have only 3 days before this weekend to finish the game, I reduce my scope of work in the "works to do" list.
' Works to do :
' 1. Incoming barrier : fence, road barrier,
' billboard, cliffs, signs, snowman,trees
' if hit barrier Life = Life - 1
' 2. Dashboard : speed
' 3. street track
' Control :
' - movement : LEFT, RIGHT, UP
' - speed : W,S
' - quit : ESC
' References :
' 1. CURVED ROAD, texture mapping, N7_24.03.05, by Marcus
' 2. Sprites https://opengameart.org/content/25d-racing-resources
'include "assets/transform.n7"
set window "The Fast and The Furious", 640, 400, false
set redraw off
'Color definition
blue = [64, 64, 128]
brown = [200, 128, 64]
white = [255, 255, 255]
magenta = [255,0,255]
'Background city and woods
city = loadimage("assets/back_city.png")
woods = loadimage("assets/back_woods.png")
background = []
background.img = createimage(width(city)*3*20,63)
set image background.img
set color blue;cls;set color white
for i = 0 to 60 step 3
draw image woods,0+i*width(city),0
draw image city,width(city)+i*width(city),0
draw image woods,2*width(city)+i*width(city),0
set image primary
background.dx = 0
' -------------- Road Textures ------------
roadImg = []
' First textures
roadImg[0] = createimage(160, 16)
set image roadImg[0]
for y = 0 to 15 for x = 0 to 159
if rnd(3) = 0 set color 128, 128, 128
else set color 112, 112, 112
set pixel x, y
set color white
draw rect 0, 0, 8, 16, true
draw rect 152, 0, 8, 16, true
set image primary
' Second textures
roadImg[1] = createimage(160, 16)
set image roadImg[1]
for y = 0 to 15 for x = 0 to 159
if rnd(3) = 0 set color 96, 96, 96
else set color 80, 80, 80
set pixel x, y
set color white
draw rect 76, 0, 8, 16, true
set image primary
' ------------------------------------------
' Curved Road
road = []
road.length = 120
for z = 0 to road.length
road[z] = sin(z*0.05)*2
pln road[z]
p = dim(16)
p[2] = 0; p[3] = 0
p[6] = 160; p[7] = 0
p[10] = 160; p[11] = 16
p[14] = 0; p[15] = 16
'Barrier : fence, road barrier, billboard, cliffs, signs, snowman,trees
barrier = []
' Player
player = []
player.img = loadimage("assets/car_player.png",7,1)
player.cell = 3 '0=right, 6=left, 3=normal
player.z = 0.0
player.x = 0
player.speed = 10 '10=slowest, 120=fastest
'Score, Life, Finish Line
info = []
info.myfont = createfont("Arial",30,1,0,0,0)'name,size,bold,italic,underlined,smoothed
info.life = 3
info.finish = loadimage("assets/finish.png")
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
'Player's Control
player.z = player.z + 0.075
if keydown(KEY_LEFT,true) then
player.x = player.x - 0.1
player.cell =6
elseif keydown(KEY_RIGHT,true) then
player.x = player.x + 0.1
player.cell =0
elseif keydown(KEY_UP,true) then
player.cell =3
if keydown(KEY_W,true) and player.speed <=110 then
player.speed = player.speed+10
if keydown(KEY_S,true) and player.speed >=20 then
player.speed = player.speed-10
'Scene : blue sky, brown earth
set color blue; cls
set color brown; draw rect 0, height(primary)/2+0.03*height(primary), width(primary), height(primary)/2, true
'Scene : animated road
set color white
for i = int(player.z) + 15 to int(player.z)
if i < sizeof(road) - 2
z = i + 1 - player.z + 1.1
x0l = width(primary)/2 + (0.75*width(primary)-0.125*width(primary))*(road[i + 1] - 1 - player.x)/z
x0r = width(primary)/2 + (0.75*width(primary)-0.125*width(primary))*(road[i + 1] + 1 - player.x)/z
y0 = height(primary)/2 + (height(primary)/2+0.04*height(primary))/z
z = i - player.z + 1.1
x1l = width(primary)/2 + (0.75*width(primary)-0.125*width(primary))*(road[i] - 1 - player.x)/z
x1r = width(primary)/2 + (0.75*width(primary)-0.125*width(primary))*(road[i] + 1 - player.x)/z
y1 = height(primary)/2 + (height(primary)/2+0.04*height(primary))/z
p[0] = x0l; p[1] = y0;
p[4] = x0r; p[5] = y0
p[8] = x1r; p[9] = y1;
p[12] = x1l; p[13] = y1
draw poly image roadImg[i%2], p
'Distance, Life
set color white ; set font info.myfont
distance = (i*10)
set caret 5,5; wln "Distance: "+ distance +" Km";wln "Speed: "+player.speed
set caret width(primary)-90,5; wln "Life : "+info.life
'Background : city, woods
if distance < 450 then
background.dx = background.dx + 2
background.dx = background.dx - 2
set color white
draw image background.img,(-width(background.img)/2)+background.dx,height(primary)/2-50
'Draw player
set color white; draw image player.img,width(primary)/2-width(player.img)/2,height(primary)-110,player.cell
'Finish Line
if i >= sizeof(road) - 20 then
draw image info.finish,(width(primary)-width(info.finish))/2,50;redraw
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true);wait 1; wend
fwait player.speed
'function Draw(img,x,y,s)
' DrawImageTransformed(image, x, y, scale_x, scaleY, angle, pivot_x, pivot_y)
' Parameter :
' image = .png format
' (x,y) = location of the image in the screen coordinates
' scale_x, scale_y = scale the image's size
' angle = in radian.
' (pivot_x, pivot_y) = center point of the image. E.g:(0,0) = top left.
' x = x; y = y ; s = s; a = 0
' px = width(img)/2; py = height(img)/2
' DrawImageTransformed(img, x,y, s, s, a, px, py)