04-09-2024, 09:08 AM
I figured that I might try some 'old school' collision detection...
The concept is... A falling box. An area to land on. Using the 'pixel()' command, instruct the box to stop, as it "hits" the ground.
In this example, I am testing the pixel below the box's left bottom edge. (I have placed a reference pixel under the box at the same "y" co-ordinate.)
Press SPACE to drop...
Unfortunately this did not work... "Read the manual", I hear you say... "pixel(x,y) Returns the color at position (x, y) as an array [r, g, b, a] with RGBA intensities in the range [0 .. 255].
I am hoping that my programing skills are the source of the problem otherwise this maybe another "can of worms".... sorry...
The concept is... A falling box. An area to land on. Using the 'pixel()' command, instruct the box to stop, as it "hits" the ground.
In this example, I am testing the pixel below the box's left bottom edge. (I have placed a reference pixel under the box at the same "y" co-ordinate.)
Press SPACE to drop...
' Open a window and enable double buffering.
set window "Pixel Collision", 640, 480
set redraw off
visible Box = [255, 255, 0, 64]
visible BoxW = 32
visible BoxH = 48
visible BoxX = (width(primary) - BoxW) / 2
visible BoxY = 0
visible vSpeed = 0
visible drop = false
visible ground = [0, 255, 0]
set color 0, 0, 0
fwait 30
until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
function Update()
' vSpeed
if keydown(KEY_SPACE, true) drop = true
if drop = true vSpeed = vSpeed + 0.03
' Box
BoxY = BoxY + vSpeed
' Pixel Collision
if pixel(BoxX, BoxY + BoxH) = ground
vSpeed = 0
' Just in case 'pixel' fails... lol
if BoxY > height(primary)
vSpeed = 0
wait 1000
function Draw()
' Ground
set color ground
draw rect 0, 460, 640, 20, 0
' Box
set color Box
draw rect BoxX, BoxY, BoxW, BoxH, 0
' Pixel
' This indicator pixel is drawn one pixel below the box center.
' The actual pixel being tested is below the left corner of the box.
set color 255, 0, 255
draw pixel BoxX + 15, BoxY + BoxH
Unfortunately this did not work... "Read the manual", I hear you say... "pixel(x,y) Returns the color at position (x, y) as an array [r, g, b, a] with RGBA intensities in the range [0 .. 255].
I am hoping that my programing skills are the source of the problem otherwise this maybe another "can of worms".... sorry...
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.