05-14-2024, 04:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2024, 02:13 PM by 1micha.elok.)
Explore the enchanted forest with your own character, Barbarian or Knight.
And rearrange the forest as you like.
UPDATE Enchanted Forest v3
click each image to zoom in
1. Introduction Scene
2. Reset your character position
3. Closing Credits Scene
Explore the enchanted forest with your own character, Barbarian or Knight.
And rearrange the forest as you like.
UPDATE Enchanted Forest v3
click each image to zoom in
1. Introduction Scene
2. Reset your character position
3. Closing Credits Scene
'Explore the enchanted forest with your own character, Barbarian or Knight.
'And rearrange the forest as you like.
'Need to be improved :
'- Position of the character relative to the objects
'- Collision detection between the character and the objects
'- Boundary of the screen
's3d library - by Marcus
'KayKit - Adventurers by Kay Lousberg
' https://kaylousberg.itch.io/kaykit-adventurers?download
'Trees Asset Pack by Aumarka
' https://mark-auman.itch.io/low-poly-trees-asset-pack
include "s3d.n7"; S3D_SetView(primary, rad(45), 0.1, 50)
include "data/s3d_addon.n7"
set window "The Enchanted Forest",1000,600,false
set redraw off
randomize clock()
'color definition
white = [255,255,255]
black = [40,42,54]
gray = [200,200,200]
red = [255,0,0]
character = []
character[0] = []
character[1] = []
character[0].model = S3D_LoadMesh("data/Barbarian.obj", 0.7,-0.7,0.7, false)
character[1].model = S3D_LoadMesh("data/Knight.obj", 0.7,-0.7,0.7, false)
character[0].name = "Barbarian"
character[1].name = "Knight"
character.rotate = 0
character.rotype = 2
character.x = 3.8
character.y = 2.8
character.z = 7
object = []
object.number = 5
object.rotate = 0
object.rotype = 2
for j = 1 to object.number
object[j] = []
object[j].model = S3D_LoadMesh("data/Tree_Bare.obj", 0.01,-0.01,0.01, false)
object[j].x = rnd(-5,2) ; object[j].y = rnd(1,2) ; object[j].z = rnd(5,15)
set color black; cls; set color white; set caret 50,50; set font 0
wln "This tiny game is a work of fiction."
wln "It is for eductional purpose only. "
wln "It is as a proof of 3D game concept using s3d library."
wln "It is not intended for commercial use and not for sale"
wln "No person or entity associated with this game received payment"
wln "or anything of value, or entered into any agreement,"
wln "in connection with any game assets used in this game."
wln "All trademarks and game assets are the property of their respective owners."
wln "While every effort is made to acknowledge their works,"
wln "some of the game assets used in in this tiny game may not have"
wln "clear name of the artists/author/creator/developer to be referred with."
wln "It may not include all relevant facts or the most up-to-date information."
wln "Names, characters, places, events and incidents"
wln "are either the products of the author’s imagination"
wln "or used in a fictitious manner."
wln "Any resemblance to actual persons,"
wln "living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental."
wln "Press ENTER to continue"
do; wait 1; until keydown(KEY_RETURN,true)
i = 0
character.x = 0
character.y = 0
character.z = 0
character.rotate = 200
set color black; cls; set color white; S3D_Clear()
'choose your character
if keydown(KEY_C,true) then
i = (i+1)%2
'character.rotate -90=West, 90=East, 0=North, 180=South
if keydown(KEY_LEFT) then
character.rotate = (character.rotate+10)%360
elseif keydown(KEY_RIGHT) then
character.rotate = (character.rotate-10)%360
S3D_Translate(0, 1, 3)
set color white; set caret 10,10
wln "===================="
wln character[i].name
wln "===================="
wln "Instructions :"
wln "LEFT, RIGHT to rotate your character"
wln "C to change your character"
wln "ESCAPE to quit this introduction"
fwait 10
until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true)
i = 0; j=1
character.x = 2
character.y = 2
character.z = 5
character.rotate = 210
set color black; cls; set color white; S3D_Clear()
'choose your character
if keydown(KEY_C,true) then
i = (i+1)%2
'randomize objects
if keydown(KEY_R,true) then
for j = 1 to object.number
object[j] = []
object[j].model = S3D_LoadMesh("data/Tree_Bare.obj", 0.01,-0.01,0.01, false)
object[j].x = rnd(-5,2) ; object[j].y = rnd(0,2)+1 ; object[j].z = rnd(5,15)
'show up your character if he is out of screen
if keydown(KEY_U,true) then
character.x = 2
character.y = 2
character.z = 5
character.rotate = 210
'character.rotate -90=West, 90=East, 0=North, 180=South
if keydown(KEY_LEFT,true) then
character.rotate = (character.rotate+30)%360
elseif keydown(KEY_RIGHT,true) then
character.rotate = (character.rotate-30)%360
if keydown(KEY_UP,true) then
if character.rotate = 0 then
character.z = character.z + 0.1
elseif character.rotate = 90 then
character.x = character.x + 0.1
elseif character.rotate = 180 then
character.z = character.z - 0.1
elseif character.rotate = 270 then
character.x = character.x - 0.1
elseif character.rotate > 0 and character.rotate < 90 then
character.x = character.x + 1.2*cos(rad(character.rotate))
character.z = character.z + 1.2*sin(rad(character.rotate))
elseif character.rotate > 90 and character.rotate < 180 then
character.x = character.x - 1.2*cos(rad(character.rotate))
character.z = character.z - 1.2*sin(rad(character.rotate))
elseif character.rotate > 180 and character.rotate < 270 then
character.x = character.x + 1.2*cos(rad(character.rotate))
character.z = character.z + 1.2*sin(rad(character.rotate))
elseif character.rotate > 270 and character.rotate < 360 then
character.x = character.x - 1.2*cos(rad(character.rotate))
character.z = character.z - 1.2*sin(rad(character.rotate))
if character.z > 20 then character.z = character.z - 0.5
if character.z < 2.8 then character.z = character.z + 0.5
'object animation
object.rotate = object.rotate + 0.2
set color gray ; cx = width(primary)/2 ; cy = height(primary)/2
for a = 1 to 50 step 0.15 draw line 0,cy+pow(a,7),cx*2,cy+pow(a,7)
for b = -1000 to cx*2+1000 step 230 draw line cx,cy/2,b,cy*2
set color black; draw rect 0,0,cx*2,cy+2,1
'Draw Objects and Character
for j = 1 to object.number
set color white
set caret width(primary)-100,30; wln "Objects";wln "Coordinates"
set caret width(primary)-100,60+j*20
wln j+":"+object[j].x+","+object[j].y+","+object[j].z
set color white; set caret 10,10
wln "===================="
wln "The Enchanted Forest"
wln "===================="
wln "Instructions :"
wln "ESC to quit"
wln "R to re-arrange objects"
wln "LEFT, RIGHT to rotate your character"
wln "UP to move forward"
wln "C to change your character"
wln "U to reset your position"
set caret width(primary)-300,30
wln "You are a "+character[i].name
wln "Your Coordinates"
wln int(character.x)+","+int(character.y)+","+int(character.z)
wln "Compass "+character.rotate+ " degrees"
x1 = width(primary)-240
y1 = 190
x2 = x1 + 50*cos(rad(270+character.rotate))
y2 = y1 + 50*sin(rad(270+character.rotate))
draw ellipse x1,y1,50,50
draw line x1,y1,x2,y2
wait 1
until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true)
' Closing Credits
words = []
words[1] = "CLOSING CREDITS"
words[2] = ""
words[3] = ""
words[4] = "A special thanks to Marcus, the creator of Naalaa"
words[5] = "for his dedication, support and encouragement"
words[6] = "in the making of this tiny game."
words[7] = ""
words[8] = "I really appreciate his stepping in"
words[9] = "to develop the fantastic s3d library"
words[10] = "I know he had to put in extra hours"
words[11] = "to catch up on his own work, so thank you very much."
words[12] = "Your expertise was vital for this tiny game."
words[13] = ""
words[14] = "Heartfelt thanks to all the talented artists"
words[15] = "who created the amazing 3D game assets"
words[16] = "I couldn't have made it without them"
words[17] = ""
words[18] = ""
words[19] = ""
words[20] = "s3d library - by Marcus"
words[21] = ""
words[22] = "KayKit - Adventurers by Kay Lousberg"
words[23] = " https://kaylousberg.itch.io/kaykit-adventurers?download"
words[24] = ""
words[25] = "Trees Asset Pack by Aumarka"
words[26] = " https://mark-auman.itch.io/low-poly-trees-asset-pack"
'text animation of the closing credits
for i = height(primary)-30 to 30
set color black; cls; set color white
set caret width(primary)/2,i
for j = 1 to 26
center words[j]
fwait 40
do; wait 1; until keydown(KEY_RETURN,true)