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Confused about mid() command
Hi Marcus,

I was tinkering with string manipulation and came across a bit of a 'poser' in regards to the mid() command.

Here is a short example....

' Open a window and enable double buffering.
set window "Test", 800, 632, false
set redraw off

visible a = "ABCDEF"
visible b
visible c

'   display the letters "B" to "E" inclusive...
b = mid(a, 1, 4)
pln b
'   This works fine...

'   But, when I try to make the third letter "D"
'   an "X"...

'   mid(b, 3, 1) = "X"
'   pln b

'   I get a syntax error on line 17 during compile

'(remove the "remarks" from lines 17 and 18
' to see what I mean...)

system "pause"

Defining a string then assigning a variable to a "portion" of the string, using mid(), works fine...
But, trying to replace a character, using mid() causes the compilation to fail with a syntax error.

There is no rush on this one... Whenever you are able... Present situation understood... We will "keep an eye on the store" during your break...

Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
Perhaps like this one ... ?

'Console Mode
a = "ABCDEF"

pln "a                  = "+a

'display the letters "B" to "E" inclusive...
b = mid(a,1,4)
pln "MID(a,1,4)         = "+b

'replace D with X
pln "REPLACE D with X   = "+replace(b,"D","X",2)

system "pause"
Cool... Worked like a charm... Thank you!
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
(06-11-2024, 12:25 PM)johnno56 Wrote: Cool... Worked like a charm... Thank you!

The mid() function may be used as collision detection.
Let's try this one !

'Control Key :
'- movement   WASD
'- exit       ESC
'Reference :
'Tutorial on QBasic Game Design by Andre van Wyk
'Quick Tips on qbasic to N7
'-locate y,x                 - set caret x,y
'-print                      - write
'-mid$()                     - mid
set window "Pacman",80,60,false,10
set redraw off

'color definition
black  = [0,0,0]
white  = [255,255,255]
yellow = [255,255,0]

'initial Pacman's position
x = 40
y = 10

maze = []
maze[0] = "########"
maze[1] = "#    # #"
maze[2] = "#  #   #"
maze[3] = "# ## # #"
maze[4] = "#    # #"
maze[5] = "########"

    set color black ; cls
    set color white
    for j=0 to 7
        for i = 0 to 5
            set caret j*10,i*10
            write mid(maze[i],j)
    'remember Pacman's position
    posX = x
    posY = y
    if keydown(KEY_W) and y>1   then y=y-10
    if keydown(KEY_S) and y<60  then y=y+10
    if keydown(KEY_A) and x>1   then x=x-10
    if keydown(KEY_D) and x<80  then x=x+10
    'collision detection Pacman and Maze
    if mid(maze[y/10],x/10)="#" then
        x = posX
        y = posY
    set color yellow
    set caret x,y ; write "C"
    fwait 10
until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true)
Cool... Thanks for the demo... What? No ghosts? lol

Chunk text. Very retro...
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
Sorry, you can't really modify strings, only construct new ones.
hmm... Interesting response... I am receiving mixed messages... On one hand, "can't" (cannot) implies a "No"... But, "can't really" implies a measure of doubt and conveys a possible interpretation of... "No. But I dare you to try". I enjoy a good puzzle, but when it comes to coding, I find myself at the shallow end of the "smart" pool... lol

Not a problem... Time for new train of thought... The only problem is that I do not have a ticket... Boom Boom.... lol

Thank you for responding... Wink
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
(06-14-2024, 08:34 PM)johnno56 Wrote: hmm... Interesting response... I am receiving mixed messages... On one hand, "can't" (cannot) implies a "No"... But, "can't really" implies a measure of doubt and conveys a possible interpretation of... "No. But I dare you to try". I enjoy a good puzzle, but when it comes to coding, I find myself at the shallow end of the "smart" pool... lol

Not a problem... Time for new train of thought... The only problem is that I do not have a ticket... Boom Boom.... lol

Thank you for responding... Wink

Haha Smile

Strings are like numbers. You can't change a string without getting a new string. That's why mid/left/right/replace all return new strings. It doesn't really matter. There's no simple way of replacing a character at a certain index in a string with another character. If you know what character it is, you could probably use 'replace' to get a new string:

foo = "ABCDEF"
pln "foo = " + foo

foo = replace(foo, "C", "Z")
pln "foo = " + foo

system "pause"

foo = ABCDEF
foo = ABZDEF

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