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Things falling down
I don't know, things falling down.

set window "Falling things", 480*screenw()/screenh(), 480, true
set redraw off
thing = createimage(63, 63)
set image thing
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
draw ellipse 31, 31, 20, 20, true
set image primary
BoxBlur(thing, 8, 8)
set image thing
for y = 0 to height(thing) - 1  for x = 0 to width(thing) - 1
    set color 255, 255, 255, pixel(x, y)[0]
    set pixel x, y
set image primary
particles = []
for i = 1 to 256  particles[sizeof(particles)] = Particle(thing)
set color 32, 32, 96
blura = rnd(2*PI)
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE)
    blura = blura + 0.01
    foreach p in particles  p.Update()
    set color 32, 32, 96, 64 + sin(blura)*32
    set additive true
    foreach p in particles  p.Draw()
    set additive false
    fwait 60

function Particle(img)
    return [
        img: img,
        x: rnd(width(primary)), y: rnd(height(primary)),
        alpha: 16 + rnd(16),
        scale: 0.25 + rnd()*1.75,
        spd: 0.25 + rnd()*2.75,
        rota: rnd(PI*2), rotspd: rnd()*0.1 - 0.05,
        offsa: rnd(PI*2), offse: rnd(128), offsspd: rnd()*0.1 - 0.05,
        Update: function()
            .y = .y + .spd
            if .y > height(primary) + height(.img)*0.5 then .y = .y - height(primary) - height(.img)
            .rota = (.rota + .rotspd)%(2*PI)
            .offsa = (.offsa + .offsspd)%(2*PI)
        Draw: function()
            set color 255, 255, 255, .alpha
            draw image xform .img, .x + sin(.offsa)*.offse, .y,
                    .scale*(0.6 + sin(.rota)*0.4), .scale, .offsa, 0.5*width(.img), 0.5*height(.img)

' BoxBlur
' -------
function BoxBlur(img, rx, ry)
    rx = max(int(rx), 0); ry = max(int(ry), 0)
    set image img
    w = width(img); h = height(img)
    data = dim(w, h)

    ' Blur vertically
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = ry*2 + 1
    for x = 0 to w - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for y = -ry to ry
            p = data[x][y%h];
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for y = 0 to h - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[x][(y - ry)%h]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[x][(y + ry + 1)%h]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    ' Blur horizontally.
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = rx*2 + 1
    for y = 0 to h - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for x = -rx to rx
            p = data[x%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for x = 0 to w - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[(x - rx)%w][y]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[(x + rx + 1)%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    set image primary

    ' Pixeli helpers.
    function Alpha(c); return int(c/16777216); endfunc
    function Red(c); return int((c/65536))%256; endfunc
    function Green(c); return int((c/256))%256; endfunc
    function Blue(c); return c%256; endfunc
Cool... Reminds me of a "close up" of a snow globe... Nicely done...

Almost hypnotic... hypnotic... hpy...
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
Things Falling Down

Let things fall and let them fade
For in that fall, new dreams are made
The ground may catch what once soared high
But from that place, we learn to fly

Big Grin
Very poetic... I was immediately reminded of the silly quote, "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you". (Well... it involved flying, falling and ground... almost poetic, right?) lol
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
Perhaps ....
the blend of a hobbyist game developer and poet writer—
crafting epic quests in code and rhyming the Zen of Naalaa 

' - Things Falling Down by Marcus
' - Star Text Effect 3D by Marcus

include "s3d.n7"

'set window title, width, height, fullscreen
set window "The Zen of Naalaa", 800, 600, false
set redraw off

'image : thing
thing = createimage(63, 63)
set image thing
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 150, 150, 150
draw ellipse 31, 31, 20, 20, true
set image primary

'make it blur
BoxBlur(thing, 8, 8)

'reimage : thing
set image thing
for y = 0 to height(thing) - 1  for x = 0 to width(thing) - 1
    set color 150, 150, 150, pixel(x, y)[0]
    set pixel x, y
set image primary

particles = []
for i = 1 to 256  particles[sizeof(particles)] = Particle(thing)
set color 32, 32, 96

blura = rnd(2*PI)

' create font and a texture (image).
set font createfont("arial", 16, true)
tex = createimage(500, 400)
' set target image to the one we created and write some
' text to it.
set image tex
set color 255, 255, 255
set caret 128, 0
wln "The Zen of Naalaa"
wln ""
wln "Simple is better than complex." 
wln "Commands are few, but their meaning is deep." 
wln "Let your code flow like water," 
wln "With purpose, with order"
wln ""
wln "Arrays have been replaced with tables"
wln "consist of key and value pairs"
wln "Migrating to Naalaa"
wln "shouldn't be much of problem"
wln ""
wln "Variables may change type at any time"
wln "And every variable is a treasure," 
wln "Every byte, a reminder" 
wln "Of the beauty in the language"
wln ""
wln "A FOR loop is a poem," 
wln "A THEN is a moment of truth." 
wln "WRITE not for the machine," 
wln "But for the understanding between you." 
' set image to primary (window) again.
set image primary
set image colorkey tex,0,0,0

' Init s3d.
S3D_SetView(primary, rad(90), 0.1, 2)

' text z, scroll value.
textZ = 0
' size of text quad.
sizeX = 1
sizeZ = height(tex)/width(tex)

' Main Loop
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE)
    blura = blura + 0.01
    foreach p in particles  p.Update()
    set color 32, 32, 96, 100 + sin(blura)
    set additive true
    foreach p in particles  p.Draw()
    set additive false
    ' scroll.
    if textZ < 1 then
        textZ = textZ + 0.001
        textZ = 0
    S3D_Color(255, 255, 255)
    S3D_Translate(0, 0.5, textZ)
        S3D_Vertex(-sizeX*0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        S3D_Vertex(sizeX*0.5, 0, 0, 1, 0)
        S3D_Vertex(sizeX*0.5, 0, -sizeZ, 1, 1)
        S3D_Vertex(-sizeX*0.5, 0, -sizeZ, 0, 1)

    'info box       
    set caret 10,10
    wln textZ
    fwait 20

' Functions
function Particle(img)
    return [
        img: img,
        x: rnd(width(primary)), y: rnd(height(primary)),
        alpha: 16 + rnd(16),
        scale: 0.25 + rnd()*1.75,
        spd: 0.25 + rnd()*2.75,
        rota: rnd(PI*2), rotspd: rnd()*0.1 - 0.05,
        offsa: rnd(PI*2), offse: rnd(128), offsspd: rnd()*0.1 - 0.05,
        Update: function()
            .y = .y + .spd
            if .y > height(primary) + height(.img)*0.5 then .y = .y - height(primary) - height(.img)
            .rota = (.rota + .rotspd)%(2*PI)
            .offsa = (.offsa + .offsspd)%(2*PI)
        Draw: function()
            set color 255, 255, 255, .alpha
            draw image xform .img, .x + sin(.offsa)*.offse, .y,
                    .scale*(0.6 + sin(.rota)*0.4), .scale, .offsa, 0.5*width(.img), 0.5*height(.img)

' BoxBlur
' -------
function BoxBlur(img, rx, ry)
    rx = max(int(rx), 0); ry = max(int(ry), 0)
    set image img
    w = width(img); h = height(img)
    data = dim(w, h)

    ' Blur vertically
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = ry*2 + 1
    for x = 0 to w - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for y = -ry to ry
            p = data[x][y%h];
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for y = 0 to h - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[x][(y - ry)%h]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[x][(y + ry + 1)%h]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    ' Blur horizontally.
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = rx*2 + 1
    for y = 0 to h - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for x = -rx to rx
            p = data[x%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for x = 0 to w - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[(x - rx)%w][y]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[(x + rx + 1)%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    set image primary

    ' Pixeli helpers.
    function Alpha(c); return int(c/16777216); endfunc
    function Red(c); return int((c/65536))%256; endfunc
    function Green(c); return int((c/256))%256; endfunc
    function Blue(c); return c%256; endfunc

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