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See? See that? See what you did? "Imagine a shootemup..." then move into a brief description.... Creative thinking! There must be a tutorial on how to do that... Formulate an idea, translate that idea into code, so that others can enjoy or understand the idea. I am amazed that you seemingly came up with that concept relatively quickly and easily. You sir, have a wonderful gift... *sigh* Well done!
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
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02-17-2024, 10:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-17-2024, 11:04 PM by Marcus.)
(02-17-2024, 07:01 PM)johnno56 Wrote: See? See that? See what you did? "Imagine a shootemup..." then move into a brief description.... Creative thinking! There must be a tutorial on how to do that... Formulate an idea, translate that idea into code, so that others can enjoy or understand the idea. I am amazed that you seemingly came up with that concept relatively quickly and easily. You sir, have a wonderful gift... *sigh* Well done!
Thank you, sir!
It didn't look quite as cool as I expected though, but this was just a quick test. Very dirty code, needs cleaning:
Code: #win32
constant SQUARE = 24
visible enemies
set window "Square enemies", 640, 480
set redraw off
' Create a big enemy.
bigEnemy = BigEnemy()
' Create as many small enemies as there are pieces in the big enemy's shape.
enemies = []
foreach row in bigEnemy.GetShape() foreach piece in row
if piece enemies[sizeof(enemies)] = SmallEnemy()
lastTick = clock()
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
t = clock()
dt = (t - lastTick)/1000
lastTick = t
foreach enemy in enemies enemy.Update(dt)
set color 0, 0, 0
foreach enemy in enemies enemy.Draw()
wait 1
' BigEnemy
' --------
' Return a big enemy.
function BigEnemy()
e = []
' Shape of the big guy.
e.shape = [
[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1],
[1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]]
' True when shaped by small enemies.
e.hasForm = false
e.formTimer = 2
' Size and position.
e.w = sizeof(e.shape[0])*SQUARE
e.h = sizeof(e.shape)*SQUARE
e.x = (width(primary) - e.w)/2
e.y = (height(primary) - e.h)/2
' Movement.
e.dx = 0
e.dy = 0
e.wdx = 0
e.wdy = 0
' Get shape.
e.GetShape = function()
return this.shape
' Get the x position of a piece.
e.PieceX = function(x)
return this.x + x*SQUARE
' Get the y position of a piece.
e.PieceY = function(y)
return this.y + y*SQUARE
' Set a random direction.
e.SetRandomDirection = function()
this.turnTimer = 2 + rnd()*2
a = rnd(360)
this.wdx = cos(rad(a))*50
this.wdy = sin(rad(a))*50
' Update
e.Update = function(dt)
' Form.
this.formTimer = max(this.formTimer - dt, 0)
if this.formTimer = 0
if this.hasForm
this.hasForm = false
if rnd(2) = 0
this.formTimer = 0.1 + rnd()*0.4
this.formTimer = 4 + rnd()*3
this.hasForm = true
this.formTimer = 6 + rnd()
' Assign positions in the shape to enemies.
' Move.
i = 1.5*dt
this.dx = this.dx*(1 - i) + this.wdx*i
this.dy = this.dy*(1 - i) + this.wdy*i
this.x = this.x + this.dx*dt
if this.x < 0 this.wdx = |this.wdx|
elseif this.x + this.w > width(primary) this.wdx = -|this.wdx|
this.y = this.y + this.dy*dt
if this.y < 0 this.wdy = |this.wdy|
elseif this.y + this.h > height(primary) this.wdy = -|this.wdy|
this.turnTimer = this.turnTimer - dt
if this.turnTimer <= 0 this.SetRandomDirection()
return true
' Assign positions in shape to enemies.
e.ShapeEnemies = function()
' Uhm ... this list could be generated just once.
positions = []
for y = 0 to sizeof(this.shape) - 1 for x = 0 to sizeof(this.shape[0]) - 1
if this.shape[y][x] positions[sizeof(positions)] = [x, y]
' Assign shape positions to enemies.
foreach e in enemies
if not sizeof(positions) break
index = rnd(sizeof(positions))
e.SetBigEnemy(this, positions[index][0], positions[index][1])
free key positions, index
return e
' SmallEnemy
' ----------
' Return a small enemy.
function SmallEnemy()
e = []
' Its own position.
e.selfX = rnd(640 - SQUARE)
e.selfY = rnd(480 - SQUARE)
' Size.
e.w = SQUARE
e.h = SQUARE
' Movement.
e.dx = 0
e.dy = 0
e.wdx = 0
e.wdy = 0
e.turnTimer = 0
' Gets set when connected to a big enemy.
e.bigEnemy = unset
' Set a random direction.
e.SetRandomDirection = function()
this.turnTimer = 2 + rnd()*2
a = rnd(360)
this.wdx = cos(rad(a))*100
this.wdy = sin(rad(a))*100
' Set big enemy.
e.SetBigEnemy = function(bigEnemy, x, y)
this.bigEnemy = bigEnemy
this.bigX = x
this.bigY = y
this.formParam = 0
this.formSpeed = 0.3 + rnd()*0.2
' Update.
e.Update = function(dt)
' Update personal position.
i = 1.5*dt
this.dx = this.dx*(1 - i) + this.wdx*i
this.dy = this.dy*(1 - i) + this.wdy*i
this.selfX = this.selfX + this.dx*dt
if this.selfX < 0 this.wdx = |this.wdx|
elseif this.selfX + this.w > width(primary) this.wdx = -|this.wdx|
this.selfY = this.selfY + this.dy*dt
if this.selfY < 0 this.wdy = |this.wdy|
elseif this.selfY + this.h > height(primary) this.wdy = -|this.wdy|
this.turnTimer = this.turnTimer - dt
if this.turnTimer <= 0 this.SetRandomDirection()
' Combine self position with position given by big enemy.
if this.bigEnemy
' Does it still have a form?
if this.bigEnemy.hasForm
this.formParam = min(this.formParam + this.formSpeed*dt, 1)
p = this.formParam^2
this.x = this.selfX*(1 - p) + this.bigEnemy.PieceX(this.bigX)*p
this.y = this.selfY*(1 - p) + this.bigEnemy.PieceY(this.bigY)*p
' "explode"
a = rnd(360)
this.wdx = this.x + this.w/2 - (this.bigEnemy.x + this.bigEnemy.w/2)
this.wdy = this.y + this.h/2 - (this.bigEnemy.y + this.bigEnemy.h/2)
k = 200/sqr(this.wdx*this.wdx + this.wdy*this.wdy)
this.wdx = 0.8*this.wdx*k + 0.2*cos(rad(a))*200
this.wdy = 0.8*this.wdy*k + 0.2*sin(rad(a))*200
this.dx = this.wdx
this.dy = this.wdy
this.turnTimer = 0.25 + rnd()*0.5
this.selfX = this.x
this.selfY = this.y
this.bigEnemy = unset
' Only use self position.
this.x = this.selfX
this.y = this.selfY
' Draw.
e.Draw = function()
set color 0, 200, 0
draw rect this.x, this.y, SQUARE, SQUARE, true
set color 64, 255, 64
draw line this.x, this.y, this.x + SQUARE - 1, this.y
draw line this.x, this.y, this.x, this.y + SQUARE - 1
return e
Sorry for hijacking your post, aliensoldier.
Posts: 409
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Cool animation! I have absolutely no idea what it could be used for but it is certainly very cool... lol
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
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Impressive example. The enemy is great in a list but I don't see where you are drawing it.
Okay, I create a list for my player where I draw a shape and then in the draw method with the draw rect function how could I draw that list in this function.
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(02-17-2024, 10:56 PM)Marcus Wrote: ...
Code: ...
' Move.
i = 1.5*dt
this.dx = this.dx*(1 - i) + this.wdx*i
this.dy = this.dy*(1 - i) + this.wdy*i
this.x = this.x + this.dx*dt
if this.x < 0 this.wdx = |this.wdx|
elseif this.x + this.w > width(primary) this.wdx = -|this.wdx|
this.y = this.y + this.dy*dt
if this.y < 0 this.wdy = |this.wdy|
elseif this.y + this.h > height(primary) this.wdy = -|this.wdy|
this.turnTimer = this.turnTimer - dt
if this.turnTimer <= 0 this.SetRandomDirection()
Imagine that someday, someone will use your "dancing" BigEnemy to recreate the final chapter where THE BOSS of Space Invaders is shooting furiously and without mercy ...
Perhaps ...
It's the final chapter of the Invaders
You've wiped out all of the alien soldiers
You'll meet soon the Boss
All your strength and courage
To the glory of the planet Earth
This is a work of fiction
Any similarities to persons living or dead
places or actual events is purely coincidental
They are either the products of
the author's imagination
or used in a fictitious manner
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I was just thinking that something like this could be used in a shootemup. Smaller enemies could temporarily form larger enemies (with much higher fire power) and then continue being themselves again. Or maybe the other way around, where a big boss shatters into smaller enemies that are annoying and hard to hit.