2024-07-30 * s3d: Fixed a bug in S3D_BlendMesh * s3d: Added the S3D_SetPerspectiveCorrection function * enginea: Fixed a bug that made the jump height of the EA_FpsPlayer object dependant on the frame rate * Fixed a bug (crash) in the enginea editor 2024-06-29 * Added the enginea library and editor (enginea_editor.exe), for sector based first person shooter games, plus a tutorial (EngineA_Tutorial.pdf) and examples in examples/enginea_library 2024-04-14 * Added the 'pixeli' function and 'set colori' command to get and set colors as single numbers 2024-04-07 * Added the s3d library * Hopefully fixed an issue with the tilemap editor when running through wine 2024-03-10 * Added an awesome pool game, by Kevin, to examples/other * Added the polyline library with some examples * Fixed a bug in 'draw image xform', 'draw poly image', 'draw hraster' and 'draw vraster' that could cause a program to crash * Fixed a bug where calling 'gc', for forcing garbage collecting, could make some really bad stuff happen 2024-03-05 * 'this.' can now be written as just '.' * Added the commands 'draw image xform' and 'draw poly image'. You can find two small examples under examples/help: draw_image_xform.n7 and draw_poly_image.n7 2024-02-16 * The compiler and the generated programs are from now and on 64 bit. libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is no longer required for the programs to run. libwinpthread-1.dll and libportaudio.dll are still required but have been replaced with 64 bit versions * Added the sfx library for creating sound effects with two examples in examples/sfx_library * Added the ohs library for online high-score lists with two examples in examples/ohs_library * Added some programs by members of the naalaa forum to examples/other * Fixed an issue with 'draw pixel' 2024-01-23 * Added the 'download' function * Added the game Denaalaafender to examples/other 2024-01-19 * Added the 'createsound' function and 'create sound' command * Added the game Space Race (spacerace.n7) and Bomb Sweeper (bomb_sweeper.n7) to the examples/other folder 2023-10-21 * Added 'Toggle target' in the file menu, to mark/umark the current file as target. The target can be compiled and run using the Program menu or icons. This can be useful if you have a program consisting of multiple files and want to compile or run the target (main) file instead of the one you're currently editing * Added support for reading and writing binary files 2023-10-18 * Fixed some issues with 'include' 2023-04-22 * Added buttons to hide the console and the function list in ned * Changed and added some functions in the wolf3d library and improved its performance (a lot) 2023-04-15 * Added the wolf3d library with some examples in examples/wolf3d_library * Improved the performance of the commands 'draw hraster' and 'draw vraster' 2022-10-27 * Added optional formatting parameters to 'str' 2022-10-13 * Fixed an issue with 'draw poly' that occurred when running on Wine 2022-10-08 * Added the 'scroll' command * Added the 'draw to' command * Fixed a bug where 'draw image image_id, x, y, src_x, src_y, w, h' always used additive draw mode * Fixed a bug with zones * Increased supported number of points for 'draw poly' from 64 to infinity and beyond * Improved sound quality * Added examples, accessible through F1 in NED, for all built in commands and functions * Added some examples programs posted in the forum to examples/other 2022-07-08 * Fixed a bug that affected the functions 'pixel', 'datetime' and 'split * Modified polygon rendering for a better visual result 2022-06-05 * Rewrote the entire memory manager and garbage collector * Added two 'set mouse' commands 2022-05-12 * Added syntax help to NED * Added function lists to NED * Fixed some bugs in the tilemap library 2022-04-30 * Added the tilemap library and Tilemap Editor. * Added some new themes by johnno1956 * Added some artwork by luigui and johnno1956 (assets/logos_and_icons/), feel free to use the images in your games :) 2022-03-31 * Added support for additive drawing with the command 'set additive' * Added a theme editor for ngui 2022-03-20 * Added support for loading theme files in ngui * Added a version of the Dracula theme (https://draculatheme.com/) to ned * Fixed mouse button up events outside of window not being handled 2022-03-12 * Added a single argument version of 'set color' for setting the drawing color with the values of an array: [r, g, b] or [r, g, b, a] * Added zones * Line breaks are now allowed after comma, mathematical and logical operators, left parentheses and left bracket 2022-03-05 * Made some improvements to ned and ngui * Added the 'window' function to check for running (win32) n7 programs 2022-02-25 * Replaced ned with a new IDE using ngui * Added the ngui (wip) library * Added the 'draw ellipse" command * Added the 'exists' function 2022-02-11 * Rewrote most parts of asm.c * Added some bytecode optimizations * Added the 'draw vraster' and 'draw hraster' commands * Added the 'assert' command * Added the 'asm' and 'endasm' commands for inline bytecoding * Fixed a bug where 'copy' did absolutely nothing * Added support for dynamic window size 2022-01-09 * Added the 'save image' command * Added the 'save font' and 'load font' commands and the 'loadfont' function * Fixed some garbage collector issues 2022-01-06 * Added the command 'gc' to force garbage collecting * Fixed a memory issue during deep copying of tables * Fixed a bug in the 'fwait' function * % is now a modulo rather than remainder operator 2021-12-31 * Added support for scrolling with mousewheel in ned * Added support for mousewheel through mousebutton(2) * Added a pause (wait for key press) after runtime errors in console applications * Added a message box for runtime errors in win32 applications 2021-12-27 * First beta release.