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  Dino Simplified
Posted by: 1micha.elok - 11-28-2023, 02:27 PM - Forum: NaaLaa 7 Code - No Replies

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSGahYamJXIqCJgjZhJzRW...A&usqp=CAU]

Running Dino ( inspired by the Dino in Chrome browser ) in a very very simplified version.
This simplified version is only an animated one.

Here is the structure of the program :
1. Initialization
    -load image : ground
    -load image : dino
2. Main Program (Looping)
    -define ESC key to quit
    -moving background
    -our main character :-) .... the one and only 'Dino'

It still needs improvement on these features that haven't been implemented yet :
- Animated running dino
- Jump over obstacle / cactus
- Avoid a flying bird
- etc.

You are most welcome if you are interested to improve this very simple 'Running Dino'  Big Grin
It's better to start with a simplified version to understand the logic before making it more sophisticated Big Grin

Note : this code below has used 'set redraw off' .... 'redraw' to avoid flickering graphics as it was suggested by Marcus on the '1945 simplified' post / thread.

set window "Dino Simplified",640,480
set redraw off 'to avoid flickering graphics
load image 1,"data_dino/ground.png" 'length = 2400 px
load image 2,"data_dino/ground.png"
load image 3,"data_dino/dino1.png"

speed = 10
ground1X = 0    ; ground1Y = 400
ground2X = 2400 ; ground2Y = 400
dinoX    = 40   ; dinoY    = 330

    if keydown(KEY_ESCAPE) then end

    draw image 1,ground1X,ground1Y
    draw image 2,ground2X,ground2Y
    if ground1X = -2400 then
        ground1X = 0
        ground2X = 2400
        ground1X = ground1X - speed
        ground2X = ground2X - speed       

    draw image 3,dinoX,dinoY
    redraw 'to avoid flickering graphics
    wait 40

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  1945 simplified
Posted by: 1micha.elok - 11-28-2023, 09:17 AM - Forum: NaaLaa 7 Code - Replies (6)

[Image: ?attachment_id=1703]

Air fighter 1945 in a very very simplified version

The main structure of code is divided in two sections :

1. Initialization
    load image : plane
    load image : bullet
    load image : enemy
    load image : background

2. Main Program (Looping)
    Draw the plane
    Define keys : Esc to quit, Left and Right to move the plane
    Draw enemies
    Bullet is auto shoot

Still have miss lots of features  Big Grin ... somebody please add some code to detect collision between a bullet and an enemy, I am running out of idea on how to code collision detect  Sad

set window "1945 Simplified", 640, 480
load image 1,"data/plane.png"
load image 2,"data/bullet.png"
load image 3,"data/enemy.png"
load image 4,"data/black.png"

planeX=640/2        ; planeY=400
bulletX = planeX+15 ; bulletY = planeY
enemyX = []         ; enemyY = []
enemyX[0] = 40      ; enemyY[0] = -10
enemyX[1] = 300     ; enemyY[1] = -50
enemyX[2] = 400     ; enemyY[2] = -30

     draw image 4,0,0

     draw image 1,planeX,planeY
     if keydown(KEY_ESCAPE) then end
     if keydown(KEY_LEFT)   then planeX=planeX-speed
     if keydown(KEY_RIGHT)  then planeX=planeX+speed

     for x=0 to 2
        if enemyY[x]>480 then

      for x=0 to 2
        draw image 3,enemyX[x],enemyY[x]
      if bulletY < 480 then
        bulletY   =   bulletY - speed*3
      if bulletY = 100 then
        bulletX = planeX+15
        bulletY = planeY
      draw image 2,bulletX,bulletY

      wait 40

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  Problem with constant - maybe
Posted by: johnno56 - 11-27-2023, 07:14 AM - Forum: NaaLaa 7 Questions - Replies (4)


I am attempting to "restock" my "to N7" conversions and have come across a bit of a puzzle in regards to "constant"

The error in line #10 seems to be objecting to "pr". If I change "pr" to the value of "pr", as in the previous constant, to 16 - "constant pr2 = 2 * 16" the error clears. Then the same error occurs for line #11 and 12. Keying in the actual value of "xmax" and "tl" clears the error.

Similar error for lines 14 and 15.

It looks like that constant does not like using or referring to a previous constant value.

Also, constant does not seem to like int(), in lines 14, 15 and 17.

Could there be an issue with 'constant' or perhaps I am doing this incorrectly... My money is on the latter... lol


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  Bomb Sweeper - N5 to N7
Posted by: Marcus - 11-25-2023, 08:14 AM - Forum: NaaLaa 7 Code - Replies (3)

I found the source code of a minsweeper game on a backup drive. I think it's for n5, but it might be even older than that. It's a short program, so translating it line by line to n7 only took me a couple of minutes. As with the Robowack translation, this code doesn't take advantage of the new stuff in n7. The original n5 source code is included.

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  Robowack - N7 version
Posted by: Marcus - 11-24-2023, 08:33 PM - Forum: NaaLaa 7 Code - Replies (6)

Here's an N7 version of the N5/N6 game Robowack.

[Image: robowack.jpg]

I'm using a version of the wolf3d library that has not been released yet, but it's included in the zip. The support for loading maps created with the RC Editor (n6) is not complete yet, so some parts of the code may look a bit weird.

The lines in the original source code (robowack_n6_version.txt) match those in the n7 version (robowack.n7). So if you look at line 503 in the n6 code and wonder how to do that in n7, you can simply look at line 503 in the n7 version Smile

I made some small changes to the game:
* The aspect of the window now matches that of the screen (monitor)
* Increased the field of view to 72 degrees
* Picking up a golden cross now gives you +5 health

I translated the n6 version line by line to n7, so the game does not take advantage of the "new stuff" in n7.

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  Rock Blaster by me
Posted by: Marcus - 11-23-2023, 06:41 PM - Forum: NaaLaa 6 Code - Replies (5)

Here's Rock Blaster, source code included, by me. It was written in n5 though ...

[Image: rock_blaster.jpg]

The controls are weird. It's an asteroid style game that you control with the mouse. Hold down the right button and the ship will move towards the mouse cursor. Hold left mouse button to shoot.

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  Zombie Tumult by me
Posted by: Marcus - 11-23-2023, 06:04 PM - Forum: NaaLaa 6 Code - No Replies

Here's Zombie Tumult, with source code, by me.

[Image: zombie_tumult.jpg]

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  Pat by JSM
Posted by: Marcus - 11-23-2023, 05:55 PM - Forum: NaaLaa 6 Code - No Replies

Here's Pat, with source code, by JSM.

[Image: pat.jpg]

Edit That dialog is lying though. You jump with arrow key up. Silly John.

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  Space Pooper by JSM
Posted by: Marcus - 11-23-2023, 05:33 PM - Forum: NaaLaa 6 Code - No Replies

Here's the N6 game Space Pooper, with source code, by JSM.

[Image: space_pooper.jpg]

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  Old Stuff
Posted by: johnno56 - 11-23-2023, 07:32 AM - Forum: NaaLaa 6 Questions - Replies (6)

I just found the Youtube Naalaa channel....  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwL0Jj...X0w/videos

Am I correct in assuming that "all" of those programs are gone? No chance that at least a few may have been tucked away on some forgotten drive somewhere? There are such a lot of cool games on that channel... It would be a shame if they were all lost... *sigh*  

I will look through my old drives, just in case, but I cannot be sure that I have any of them... I think I may have the 'example' programs for N5 and N6 but that may be all... I will still look none the less...


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