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Calculating 10000 digits of Pi
OK. I know this is not the kind of program NaaLaa has been created for, but I use it to test the speed of any language I try. Well, NaaLaa is doing a pretty good job here and runing this example as fast as other fast interpreters. Smile 

n = 35001
a = 10000
d = 0
k = 0
g = 0
l = 0
f = []

for x = 0 to n
    f[x] = 2000

for c = n to 14 step -14
        d = 0
        for b = c to 1 step -1
            d = d * b
            g = b * 2 - 1
            d = d + f[b] * a
            f[b] = d % g
            d = floor(d / g)
            k = l + floor(d / a)
        k2 = right("0000" + k, 4)
        write k
        l = d % a

EDIT: On my machine it takes about 1 min. to complete the task and this is the speed I'm expecting from an interpreted language. Python is slightly faster, while Perl being 25% faster than Python. Tcl is 10+ times slower than NaaLaa. It's worth to remember that NaaLaa runs through Wine, while Python, Perl and Tcl run natively.
Varies a little on my machine... averages between 15 and 21 seconds. Preventing the "text" being displayed made little to no difference in the running times... but still cool...
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
You definitely have a more powerful hardware. Preventing text from being displayed will not help here as the inner loop takes the most time in this example.
I added some lines at the bottom of the codes to measure it.

pln "It took "+clock()/1000+" seconds"
pln "Press ENTER to quit"
temp=rln() 'pause

On my computer, it took 30 seconds. ... My machine is slower than Johnno's  Sad

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