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"A Game Jam is Coming Up"
Ha........I read an introduction post about a game jam in another forum. Maybe some members of our user community will be interested in creating a creative game for the jam. Big Grin
I have checked the Game Jam site and Naalaa is one of the accepted platforms to be used... My knowledge of Naalaa is far from the level required to enter.... But, if you ask nicely, perhaps some of the other forum members may consider entering... assuming they have the time of course... lol I have seen a lot of game jam results in the past and I have to say that whoever enters will have their work cut out for them... Tough competition indeed... Sounds like fun!
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
(05-19-2024, 08:01 AM)johnno56 Wrote: I have checked the Game Jam site and Naalaa is one of the accepted platforms to be used... My knowledge of Naalaa is far from the level required to enter.... But, if you ask nicely, perhaps some of the other forum members may consider entering... assuming they have the time of course... lol  I have seen a lot of game jam results in the past and I have to say that whoever enters will have their work cut out for them... Tough competition indeed...  Sounds like fun!

Thanks for your unbiased post and you have a positive altitude towards all game jams. That forum post:

" Jam will start June 30 and go until July 31. If you haven't done one before, details for the game requirements will be revealed at the start date. But, we do know the possible themes that 3 will be chosen from: 1. Machines 2. Unstable 3. Four Colours 4. Combine 5. Edges 6. 120 Seconds"

Suddenly, a few questions.The six themes look simple. Any opinion? Which theme is more challenging? Any favourite theme? The meaning of 'Edges" is abstract. Any idea?
Yes. I have competed in a Jam some years ago. (10th May, 2020) I placed equal 6th... Before you start with any compliments... There were only 8 entries... lol

Themes: Themes are essential to prevent coders from creating games that are vastly different from each other. That way, if the coders were restricted to a specific theme, judging would be more fair... The "theme" is not the challenge. The challenge lies in how the coder "interprets" the theme title... The Jam I entered had only one theme, Asteroids. At least, from the theme title, you knew what you had to code. Whether it was a favourite or not... Difficult to choose a favourite from the six categories as each one seems to be quite vague (part of the challenge!). Of the six I would probably go with "Four Colours"... A lot of "retro" style games used a limited colour palette... and I do like "retro"... lol Abstract theme titles... There can be no right or wrong interpretation of the title. As I mentioned before, that is part of the challenge. It is up to the coder to decide how it is interpreted... If the Jam host had said, "Platformer", chances are that most entries will look and behave like the typical platformer. Could be difficult to judge. If the host had selected, "ladders", then that could include several options... Snakes and ladders; Platformer with ladders (eg: Donkey Kong) etc. "Edges"... First thoughts... Rooftop runner or Mountain climbing...

Which theme do you like? Remember: If you are not having fun you are doing it wrong... lol

Well... it's 5:15 am and I need to finish breakfast and get our morning coffee's ready... Have a great day...
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
(05-21-2024, 07:14 PM)johnno56 Wrote: Themes: Themes are essential to prevent coders from creating games that are vastly different from each other. That way, if the coders were restricted to a specific theme, judging would be more fair...
  Wow. You looks like an expert!
Quote: The "theme" is not the challenge. The challenge lies in how the coder "interprets" the theme title...
You are so experienced as well.  Cool

Quote:"Four Colours"... A lot of "retro" style games used a limited colour palette... and I do like "retro"... lol 
This theme looks very challenging and fun. I can imagine that most members of this forum are able to make impressive games with the theme "Four Colour". Yeah!
Quote:Abstract theme titles... There can be no right or wrong interpretation of the title. As I mentioned before, that is part of the challenge.
I totally agree.

Quote:"Edges"... First thoughts... Rooftop runner or Mountain climbing...

Quote:Which theme do you like?
"Four colours" may be very interesting. Entrant who chose this theme may make a very nostalgic game. For example, a very impressive pong game or a very cool brickout game. Which 4 colours? Black, white, blue and green may be a convincing colour combination. Shy
Hmm... "Expert"? I have been using "Basic" for the better part of 40+ years and I am still learning... Sorry to disappoint... You would think that after all these years I would be far better than I am now... No. Not an expert but thank you for the compliment...
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
(05-25-2024, 10:56 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Hmm... "Expert"? I have been using "Basic" for the better part of 40+ years and I am still learning... Sorry to disappoint... You would think that after all these years I would be far better than I am now... No. Not an expert but thank you for the compliment...

40+ years? Wow, a very experienced indie game developer. Any personal webpages for storing all games made in these 40+ years? We can therefore download all of them easily.
I have been "using" Basic for that long but I have only recently started developing... and no, there is no website... much of my "old" stuff has long since gone... I have forgotten how many hard drives have died in the past and taking everything with them... Hard drives back then were expensive and the capacity was quite small... it would be some years before backing up a system would be considered normal... My current basic of choice is RCBasic. I have been with RCBasic for at least 6 years and I have been the Moderator of our forum ( ) for the last 3 or 4 years... Before that, sdlbasic for at least 7 years... One of the reasons I enjoy Naalaa as it is so much like basic... far better and a bit more complex... but something I am trying to learn...

I have to be up in about 6 hours, so I better get some sleep....
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
(05-28-2024, 12:34 PM)johnno56 Wrote: I have been "using" Basic for that long but I have only recently started developing... and no, there is no website... much of my "old" stuff has long since gone... I have forgotten how many hard drives have died in the past and taking everything with them... Hard drives back then were expensive and the capacity was quite small...

In my opinion, you should not trust hard disks. Important files related to game development should be stored on Google Drive, Github and Itch. Shy
You may be right! But, back then, Google Drive, Github and Itch, did not exist... But I know what you mean... lol  Hard drive have come a long way since then... They are not perfect but they have improved quite a bit... My current system uses an SSD and so far there have been no issues... When I first started using computers (about 1978/1979) I used to store programs on cassette tapes! Talk about slow and unreliable... but it was all I could afford... Hard drives were too expensive...
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.

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