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Maze generation
Here's some code to generate a maze (

set window "maze", 640, 480
set redraw off

randomize time()
maze = GenerateMaze(24, 24)

side = 16

set color 0, 0, 0
for x = 0 to sizeof(maze) - 1
    for y = 0 to sizeof(maze[0]) - 1
        dx = x*side
        dy = y*side
        set color 255, 255, 255
        if not maze[x][y].l  draw line dx, dy, dx, dy + side - 1
        if not maze[x][y].r  draw line dx + side - 1, dy, dx + side - 1, dy + side - 1
        if not maze[x][y].u  draw line dx, dy, dx + side - 1, dy
        if not maze[x][y].d  draw line dx, dy + side - 1, dx + side - 1, dy + side - 1

while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)  fwait 60

' GenerateMaze
' ------------
' Return an array of the size w*h, where every element has four fields, l, r, u and d, telling if
' there's a way left, right, up and down.
function GenerateMaze(w, h)
    maze = fill([vis: false, l: false, r: false, u: false, d: false], w, h)
    GenerateMazeRec(maze, rnd(sizeof(maze)), rnd(sizeof(maze[0])), 0)
    return maze
    function GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y, dir)
        if x < 0 or x >= sizeof(maze) or y < 0 or y >= sizeof(maze[0])  return false
        if maze[x][y].vis  return false
        maze[x][y].vis = true
        if dir = 1
            maze[x][y].r = true
            maze[x + 1][y].l = true
        elseif dir = 2
            maze[x][y].l = true
            maze[x - 1][y].r = true
        elseif dir = 3
            maze[x][y].d = true
            maze[x][y + 1].u = true
        elseif dir = 4
            maze[x][y].u = true
            maze[x][y - 1].d = true
        visit = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        while sizeof(visit)
            index = rnd(sizeof(visit))
            if visit[index] = 1  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x - 1, y, 1)
            elseif visit[index] = 2  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x + 1, y, 2)
            elseif visit[index] = 3  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y - 1, 3)
            else  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y + 1, 4)
            free key visit, index
        return true

I'll post some more code later, explaining how this can be used for creating a map for the wolf3d library.
Cool demo... MazeGen... Wolf3D... Possible Wumpus or Dungeon Crawler in the making? Moo Ha Ha Ha....
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
Here's an example where the wolf3d library is used to let the player walk through the maze. But even with enemies and treasures, such a game would be extremely boring and difficult. Say, wouldn't it be better to generate a smaller maze but let each "room" in the maze array be represented by something larger in the game?

Most of the code here is for generating the textures, so don't be alarmed.

include "wolf3d.n7"

' Wolf3D instance.
visible w3d = Wolf3D()
' Images.
visible vWallImage, vFloorImage, vCeilingImage

set window "maze", 320, 240, false, 2
set redraw off

' Generate some images.

randomize time()

' Generate and display maze.
maze = GenerateMaze(24, 24)
side = 8
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
for x = 0 to sizeof(maze) - 1  for y = 0 to sizeof(maze[0]) - 1
    dx = x*side
    dy = y*side
    if not maze[x][y].l  draw line dx, dy, dx, dy + side - 1
    if not maze[x][y].r  draw line dx + side - 1, dy, dx + side - 1, dy + side - 1
    if not maze[x][y].u  draw line dx, dy, dx + side - 1, dy
    if not maze[x][y].d  draw line dx, dy + side - 1, dx + side - 1, dy + side - 1
set caret 160, 208
center "A random maze"
center "Click to continue ..."
while not mousebutton(0, true)  fwait 60

' Convert it to an 2d array where each element is either empty or a wall.
map = fill(true, sizeof(maze)*2 + 1, sizeof(maze[0])*2 + 1)
for x = 0 to sizeof(maze) - 1  for y = 0 to sizeof(maze[0]) - 1
    map[x*2 + 1][y*2 + 1] = false
    if maze[x][y].l = true  map[x*2][y*2 + 1] = false
    if maze[x][y].u = true  map[x*2 + 1][y*2] = false
' Display it.
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
side = 4
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1  for y = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1
    dx = x*side; dy = y*side
    if map[x][y]  draw rect x*side, y*side, side, side, true
set caret 160, 208
center "A random maze in a better format"
center "Click to continue ..."
while not mousebutton(0, true)  fwait 60

' Create a wolf3d map.
w3d.InitMap(sizeof(map), sizeof(map[0]))
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1  for z = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1
    if map[x][z]  w3d.SetWall(x, z, vWallImage)
w3d.SetFog(1.5, 6, 16, 32, 24)
' Init view.
w3d.SetView(0, 0, width(primary), height(primary), rad(86))
' Player position and angle.
playerX = 1.5; playerZ = 1.5
playerAngle = 0
' Game loop.
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE)
    dx = 0
    dz = 0
    if keydown(KEY_CONTROL)
        if keydown(KEY_LEFT)
            dx = dx + cos(rad(playerAngle - 90))
            dz = dz + sin(rad(playerAngle - 90))
        if keydown(KEY_RIGHT)
            dx = dx + cos(rad(playerAngle + 90))
            dz = dz + sin(rad(playerAngle + 90))
        if keydown(KEY_LEFT)  playerAngle = (playerAngle - 2)%360
        if keydown(KEY_RIGHT) playerAngle = (playerAngle + 2)%360
    if keydown(KEY_UP)
        dx = dx + cos(rad(playerAngle))
        dz = dz + sin(rad(playerAngle))
    if keydown(KEY_DOWN)
        dx = dx - cos(rad(playerAngle))
        dz = dz - sin(rad(playerAngle))
    d = sqr(dx*dx + dz*dz)
    if d > 0
        dx = dx/d
        dz = dz/d
        dx = dx*0.05
        dz = dz*0.05
        result = w3d.Move(playerX, playerZ, dx, dz, 0.25)
        playerX = result.x
        playerZ = result.z
    w3d.Render(playerX, playerZ, rad(playerAngle))
    set color 255, 255, 255
    set caret width(primary)/2, 4
    center "Move and turn with the arrow keys"
    center "Hold Ctrl to strafe instead of turning"
    center "Press Esc to quit"
    fwait 60

' GenerateMaze
' ------------
' Return an array of the size w*h, where every element has four fields, l, r, u and d, telling if
' there's a way left, right, up and down.
function GenerateMaze(w, h)
    maze = fill([vis: false, l: false, r: false, u: false, d: false], w, h)
    GenerateMazeRec(maze, rnd(sizeof(maze)), rnd(sizeof(maze[0])), 0)
    return maze
    function GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y, dir)
        if x < 0 or x >= sizeof(maze) or y < 0 or y >= sizeof(maze[0])  return false
        if maze[x][y].vis  return false
        maze[x][y].vis = true
        maze[x][y].wall = false
        if dir = 1
            maze[x][y].r = true
            maze[x + 1][y].l = true
        elseif dir = 2
            maze[x][y].l = true
            maze[x - 1][y].r = true
        elseif dir = 3
            maze[x][y].d = true
            maze[x][y + 1].u = true
        elseif dir = 4
            maze[x][y].u = true
            maze[x][y - 1].d = true
        visit = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        while sizeof(visit)
            index = rnd(sizeof(visit))
            if visit[index] = 1  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x - 1, y, 1)
            elseif visit[index] = 2  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x + 1, y, 2)
            elseif visit[index] = 3  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y - 1, 3)
            else  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y + 1, 4)
            free key visit, index
        return true

' CreateAssets
' ------------
function CreateAssets()
    ' Wall image.
    vWallImage = createimage(64, 64)
    set image vWallImage
    for y = 0 to 63  for x = 0 to 63
        if rnd(4) = 0  set color 96 - y, 96 - y/2, 64 + rnd(64)
        else  set color 144 - rnd(64) - y, 64 + rnd(64) - 32, 16 + rnd(32)
        set pixel x, y
    BoxBlur(vWallImage, 2, 1)
    set image vWallImage
    for y = 0 to 64/8 for x = 0 to 64/16 + y%2  Draw3DBorder(x*16 - y%2*8, y*8, 16, 8, 3, 64 - y*8, 64 + y*8, false)
    ' Floor image.
    vFloorImage = createimage(64, 64)
    set image vFloorImage
    for y = 0 to 63  for x = 0 to 63
        i = 32 + rnd(32)
        if rnd(4) = 0  set color 20 + rnd(32), 48 + rnd(24), 20 + rnd(32)
        else  set color i, i, i
        set pixel x, y
    set image vFloorImage
    Draw3DBorder(0, 0, 64, 64, 16, 80, 32, true)
    BoxBlur(vFloorImage, 2, 2)
    set image vFloorImage
    Draw3DBorder(4, 4, 56, 56, 3, 32, 64, false)
    ' Ceiling image.
    vCeilingImage = createimage(64, 64)
    set image vCeilingImage
    for y = 0 to 63  for x = 0 to 63
        i = 32 + rnd(24)
        set color i + rnd(16), i + rnd(8), i
        set pixel x, y
    BoxBlur(vCeilingImage, 1, 4)
    set image vCeilingImage
    set color 0, 0, 0, 64
    draw rect 32, 0, 32, 32, true
    draw rect 0, 32, 32, 32, true
    Draw3DBorder(0, 0, 32, 32, 2, 24, 64, false)
    Draw3DBorder(32, 0, 32, 32, 2, 64, 24, true)
    Draw3DBorder(0, 32, 32, 32, 2, 64, 24, true)
    Draw3DBorder(32, 32, 32, 32, 2, 24, 64, false)
    set image primary

' BoxBlur
' -------
function BoxBlur(img, rx, ry)
    rx = max(int(rx), 0); ry = max(int(ry), 0)
    set image img
    w = width(img); h = height(img)
    data = dim(w, h)
    ' Blur vertically
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = ry*2 + 1
    for x = 0 to w - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for y = -ry to ry
            p = data[x][y%h];
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for y = 0 to h - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[x][(y - ry)%h]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[x][(y + ry + 1)%h]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    ' Blur horizontally.
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = rx*2 + 1
    for y = 0 to h - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for x = -rx to rx
            p = data[x%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for x = 0 to w - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[(x - rx)%w][y]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[(x + rx + 1)%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    set image primary
    ' Pixeli helpers.
    function Alpha(c); return int(c/16777216); endfunc
    function Red(c); return int((c/65536))%256; endfunc
    function Green(c); return int((c/256))%256; endfunc
    function Blue(c); return c%256; endfunc

' Draw3DBorder
' ------------
function Draw3DBorder(x, y, w, h, thickness, lightAlpha, darkAlpha, invert)
    if thickness <= 0  return
    if invert
        light = 0
        dark = 255
        light = 255
        dark = 0
    dal = lightAlpha/thickness
    dad = darkAlpha/thickness
    for i = 0 to thickness - 1
        set color light, light, light, lightAlpha
        draw line x + i, y + i, x + w - i - 1, y + i
        draw line x + i, y + i + 1, x + i, y + h - i - 1
        set color dark, dark, dark, darkAlpha
        draw line x + w - i - 1, y + i, x + w - i - 1, y + h - i - 1
        draw line x + w - i - 2, y + h - i - 1, x + i, y + h - i - 1
        lightAlpha = lightAlpha - dal
        darkAlpha = darkAlpha - dad

Attached Files
.n7   maze_wolf3d_1.n7 (Size: 9.01 KB / Downloads: 5)
(10-17-2024, 06:51 AM)johnno56 Wrote: Cool demo... MazeGen... Wolf3D... Possible Wumpus or Dungeon Crawler in the making? Moo Ha Ha Ha....

I'm not sure where it will land. I just felt that I had to post something Smile The work will be continued, maybe tomorrow.
Umm... My general solution to escaping a maze, is to always turn in a specific direction, then eventually I will reach an exit... Unless one of two conditions exist... 1. The player has not been "placed" within an inescapable area of the maze or 2. There is no exit...

I am uncertain as to which algorithm was used to generate the maze, but generally, 'inescapable' is usually avoided... So... I am left with the conclusion that you have dropped me into a maze without exits... A bit like a rat searching for cheese but there is no cheese... You sir, may have a streak of cruelty, that will go a long way in creating games... Well done!
Logic is the beginning of wisdom.
Here's an example of the idea that I mentioned yesterday.

I generate a small maze, 8x8 rooms, but let each room expand to 5x5 elements in the array used for generating the wolf3d map. When there's an opening between two rooms I either create a doorway or remove the entire (5 units long) wall, which results in an interesting looking maze.

include "wolf3d.n7"

constant RES = 480

' Wolf3D instance.
visible w3d = Wolf3D()
' Images.
visible vWallImage, vFloorImage, vCeilingImage

set window "maze", RES*screenw()/screenh(), RES, true
set redraw off

' Generate some images.

randomize time()

' Generate and display maze.
maze = GenerateMaze(8, 8)
side = 16
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
for x = 0 to sizeof(maze) - 1  for y = 0 to sizeof(maze[0]) - 1
    dx = x*side
    dy = y*side
    if not maze[x][y].l  draw line dx, dy, dx, dy + side - 1
    if not maze[x][y].r  draw line dx + side - 1, dy, dx + side - 1, dy + side - 1
    if not maze[x][y].u  draw line dx, dy, dx + side - 1, dy
    if not maze[x][y].d  draw line dx, dy + side - 1, dx + side - 1, dy + side - 1
set caret width(primary)/2, height(primary) - fheight()*3
center "A random maze"
center "Click to continue ..."
while not mousebutton(0, true)  fwait 60

' Convert it to an 2d map array where each element is either empty or a wall. Let each room in the
' maze array be represented by 5x5 elements in the map array - a 5x5 units large room.
map = fill(true, sizeof(maze)*6 + 1, sizeof(maze[0])*6 + 1)
removedWallsLeft = 0
removedWallsUp = 0
for x = 0 to sizeof(maze) - 1  for y = 0 to sizeof(maze[0]) - 1
    ' Clear the 5x5 room.
    for xx = x*6 + 1 to x*6 + 5  for yy = y*6 + 1 to y*6 + 5  map[xx][yy] = false
    ' A way left?
    if maze[x][y].l
        ' Either remove the entire wall or create a doorway.
        if rnd(2 + removedWallsLeft) = 0
            removedWallsLeft = removedWallsLeft + 1
            for yy = y*6 + 1 to y*6 + 5  map[x*6][yy] = false
            map[x*6][y*6 + 1 + rnd(5)] = false
            removedWallsLeft = 0         
        removedWallsLeft = 0
    ' A way up?
    if maze[x][y].u
        ' Either remove the entire wall or create a doorway.
        if rnd(2 + removedWallsUp) = 0
            removedWallsUp = removedWallsUp + 1
            for xx = x*6 + 1 to x*6 + 5  map[xx][y*6] = false
            removedWallsUp = 0
            map[x*6 + 1 + rnd(5)][y*6] = false
        removedWallsUp = 0
' Display it.
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
side = 4
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1  for y = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1
    dx = x*side; dy = y*side
    if map[x][y]  draw rect x*side, y*side, side, side, true
set caret width(primary)/2, height(primary) - fheight()*3
center "Same maze but way more interesting"
center "Click to continue ..."
while not mousebutton(0, true)  fwait 60

' Create a wolf3d map and a map image.
mapImage = createimage(sizeof(map)*3, sizeof(map[0])*3)
set image mapImage
w3d.InitMap(sizeof(map), sizeof(map[0]))
set color 255, 255, 255
for x = 0 to sizeof(map) - 1  for z = 0 to sizeof(map[0]) - 1
    if map[x][z]
        w3d.SetWall(x, z, vWallImage)
        draw rect x*3, z*3, 3, 3, true
set image primary
w3d.SetFog(1.5, 6, 48, 48, 56)
' Init view.
w3d.SetView(0, 0, width(primary), height(primary), rad(60*width(primary)/height(primary)))
' Player position and angle.
playerX = 1.5; playerZ = 1.5
playerAngle = 0
' Game loop.
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE)
    dx = 0
    dz = 0
    if keydown(KEY_CONTROL)
        if keydown(KEY_LEFT)
            dx = dx + cos(rad(playerAngle - 90))
            dz = dz + sin(rad(playerAngle - 90))
        if keydown(KEY_RIGHT)
            dx = dx + cos(rad(playerAngle + 90))
            dz = dz + sin(rad(playerAngle + 90))
        if keydown(KEY_LEFT)  playerAngle = (playerAngle - 2)%360
        if keydown(KEY_RIGHT) playerAngle = (playerAngle + 2)%360
    if keydown(KEY_UP)
        dx = dx + cos(rad(playerAngle))
        dz = dz + sin(rad(playerAngle))
    if keydown(KEY_DOWN)
        dx = dx - cos(rad(playerAngle))
        dz = dz - sin(rad(playerAngle))
    d = sqr(dx*dx + dz*dz)
    if d > 0
        dx = dx/d
        dz = dz/d
        dx = dx*0.05
        dz = dz*0.05
        result = w3d.Move(playerX, playerZ, dx, dz, 0.25)
        playerX = result.x
        playerZ = result.z
    w3d.Render(playerX, playerZ, rad(playerAngle))
    set color 255, 255, 255
    set caret width(primary)/2, 4
    center "Move and turn with the arrow keys"
    center "Hold Ctrl to strafe instead of turning"
    center "Press Esc to quit"
    set color 0, 192, 0, 64
    x = 4
    y = height(primary) - height(mapImage) - 4
    draw image mapImage, x, y
    set color 255, 255, 0, 128
    draw ellipse x + playerX*3, y + playerZ*3, 2, 2, true
    fwait 60

' GenerateMaze
' ------------
' Return an array of the size w*h, where every element has four fields, l, r, u and d, telling if
' there's a way left, right, up and down.
function GenerateMaze(w, h)
    maze = fill([vis: false, l: false, r: false, u: false, d: false], w, h)
    GenerateMazeRec(maze, rnd(sizeof(maze)), rnd(sizeof(maze[0])), 0)
    return maze

    function GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y, dir)
        if x < 0 or x >= sizeof(maze) or y < 0 or y >= sizeof(maze[0])  return false
        if maze[x][y].vis  return false
        maze[x][y].vis = true
        maze[x][y].wall = false
        if dir = 1
            maze[x][y].r = true
            maze[x + 1][y].l = true
        elseif dir = 2
            maze[x][y].l = true
            maze[x - 1][y].r = true
        elseif dir = 3
            maze[x][y].d = true
            maze[x][y + 1].u = true
        elseif dir = 4
            maze[x][y].u = true
            maze[x][y - 1].d = true
        visit = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        while sizeof(visit)
            index = rnd(sizeof(visit))
            if visit[index] = 1  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x - 1, y, 1)
            elseif visit[index] = 2  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x + 1, y, 2)
            elseif visit[index] = 3  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y - 1, 3)
            else  GenerateMazeRec(maze, x, y + 1, 4)
            free key visit, index
        return true

' CreateAssets
' ------------
function CreateAssets()
    ' Wall image.
    vWallImage = createimage(64, 64)
    set image vWallImage
    for y = 0 to 63  for x = 0 to 63
        if rnd(4) = 0  set color 96 - y, 96 - y/2, 64 + rnd(64)
        else  set color 144 - rnd(64) - y, 64 - rnd(64) + y/2, 16 + rnd(32)
        set pixel x, y
    set image vWallImage
    for y = 0 to 64/16 for x = 0 to 64/32+ y%2  Draw3DBorder(x*32 - y%2*16, y*16, 32, 16, 5, 192, 32, true)
    BoxBlur(vWallImage, 2, 2)
    set image vWallImage
    for y = 0 to 64/16 for x = 0 to 64/32+ y%2  Draw3DBorder(x*32 - y%2*16 + 1, y*16 + 1, 30, 14, 4, 64 - y*16, 64 + y*16, false)

    ' Floor image.
    vFloorImage = createimage(64, 64)
    set image vFloorImage
    for y = 0 to 63  for x = 0 to 63
        i = 32 + rnd(32)
        if rnd(4) = 0  set color 16 + rnd(24), 48 + rnd(32), 16 + rnd(24)
        else  set color i/2, i/2, i/2
        set pixel x, y
    set image vFloorImage
    Draw3DBorder(0, 0, 64, 64, 16, 80, 32, true)
    BoxBlur(vFloorImage, 2, 2)
    set image vFloorImage
    Draw3DBorder(4, 4, 56, 56, 3, 32, 64, false)

    ' Ceiling image.
    vCeilingImage = createimage(64, 64)
    set image vCeilingImage
    for y = 0 to 63  for x = 0 to 63
        i = 24 + rnd(24)
        set color i*1.5 + rnd(24), i + rnd(8), i
        set pixel x, y
    BoxBlur(vCeilingImage, 1, 4)
    set image vCeilingImage
    set color 0, 0, 0, 64
    draw rect 32, 0, 32, 32, true
    draw rect 0, 32, 32, 32, true
    Draw3DBorder(0, 0, 32, 32, 2, 24, 64, false)
    Draw3DBorder(32, 0, 32, 32, 2, 64, 24, true)
    Draw3DBorder(0, 32, 32, 32, 2, 64, 24, true)
    Draw3DBorder(32, 32, 32, 32, 2, 24, 64, false)

    set image primary

' BoxBlur
' -------
function BoxBlur(img, rx, ry)
    rx = max(int(rx), 0); ry = max(int(ry), 0)
    set image img
    w = width(img); h = height(img)
    data = dim(w, h)

    ' Blur vertically
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = ry*2 + 1
    for x = 0 to w - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for y = -ry to ry
            p = data[x][y%h];
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for y = 0 to h - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[x][(y - ry)%h]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[x][(y + ry + 1)%h]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    ' Blur horizontally.
    for y = 0 to h - 1  for x = 0 to w - 1  data[x][y] = pixeli(img, x, y)
    count = rx*2 + 1
    for y = 0 to h - 1
        sr = 0; sg = 0; sb = 0; sa = 0
        for x = -rx to rx
            p = data[x%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
        for x = 0 to w - 1
            set color sr/count, sg/count, sb/count, sa/count
            set pixel x, y
            p = data[(x - rx)%w][y]
            sr = sr - Red(p); sg = sg - Green(p); sb = sb - Blue(p); sa = sa - Alpha(p)
            p = data[(x + rx + 1)%w][y]
            sr = sr + Red(p); sg = sg + Green(p); sb = sb + Blue(p); sa = sa + Alpha(p)
    set image primary

    ' Pixeli helpers.
    function Alpha(c); return int(c/16777216); endfunc
    function Red(c); return int((c/65536))%256; endfunc
    function Green(c); return int((c/256))%256; endfunc
    function Blue(c); return c%256; endfunc

' Draw3DBorder
' ------------
function Draw3DBorder(x, y, w, h, thickness, lightAlpha, darkAlpha, invert)
    if thickness <= 0  return
    if invert
        light = 0
        dark = 255
        light = 255
        dark = 0
    dal = lightAlpha/thickness
    dad = darkAlpha/thickness
    for i = 0 to thickness - 1
        set color light, light, light, lightAlpha
        draw line x + i, y + i, x + w - i - 1, y + i
        draw line x + i, y + i + 1, x + i, y + h - i - 1
        set color dark, dark, dark, darkAlpha
        draw line x + w - i - 1, y + i, x + w - i - 1, y + h - i - 1
        draw line x + w - i - 2, y + h - i - 1, x + i, y + h - i - 1
        lightAlpha = lightAlpha - dal
        darkAlpha = darkAlpha - dad

Attached Files
.n7   maze_wolf3d_2.n7 (Size: 10.64 KB / Downloads: 7)
(10-17-2024, 07:50 PM)johnno56 Wrote: Umm... My general solution to escaping a maze, is to always turn in a specific direction, then eventually I will reach an exit... Unless one of two conditions exist... 1. The player has not been "placed" within an inescapable area of the maze or 2. There is no exit...

I am uncertain as to which algorithm was used to generate the maze, but generally, 'inescapable' is usually avoided... So... I am left with the conclusion that you have dropped me into a maze without exits... A bit like a rat searching for cheese but there is no cheese... You sir, may have a streak of cruelty, that will go a long way in creating games... Well done!

I'm using, whatsitcalled, depth first search? But nah, didn't define an exit Wink
Thanks Marcus, I found the way that you generated the wall tiles within the program particularly interesting - it's not something that had occured to me in the past. I really need to make time to look into the Wolf3D library sometime soon Smile.

On a separate note, do you (or anyone else) have any demonstration or tips on creating one, for solving a maze (ie finding the route out of the maze) by the quickest route?
(10-18-2024, 04:11 PM)Marcus Wrote: Here's an example of the idea that I mentioned yesterday....

function CreateAssets()
    ' Wall image.
    vWallImage = createimage(64, 64)
    set image vWallImage
    for y = 0 to 63  for x = 0 to 63
        if rnd(4) = 0  set color 96 - y, 96 - y/2, 64 + rnd(64)
        else  set color 144 - rnd(64) - y, 64 - rnd(64) + y/2, 16 + rnd(32)
        set pixel x, y
    set image vWallImage

I have just learnt that you didn't use any image files ( *.png , *.jpg ) as your game assets, instead you created math-generated-image .... Very Cool  Cool
(10-20-2024, 11:26 AM)kevin Wrote: ... On a separate note, do you (or anyone else) have any demonstration or tips on creating one, for solving a maze (ie finding the route out of the maze) by the quickest route?

I have a BBCBasic program that generates a maze then shows how it searches the maze for the exit. I am not sure if it can be converted to N7, but if you want to try, I can post a copy.

Logic is the beginning of wisdom.

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