11-06-2024, 02:14 AM
Hi, Marcus,
I wonder how to make a race track (see the picture above), could you please advice me ?
This is the code that you made some months ago.
I believe there are some minor changes with the latest s3d library
I haven't use it (.... just kidding ...)
I wonder how to make a race track (see the picture above), could you please advice me ?
This is the code that you made some months ago.
I believe there are some minor changes with the latest s3d library
I haven't use it (.... just kidding ...)

' A library that I'm working on, not finished at all, don't use it!
include "s3d.n7"
set window "test", 320, 240, false, 2
set redraw off
roadImg = loadimage("road.png")
roadImgW = width(roadImg)
roadImgH = height(roadImg)
decorImg = loadimage("winter_tree.png")
tunnelImg = loadimage("tunnel_winter.png")
bgImg = loadimage("sky_winter.png")
' Set up 3d view.
S3D_SetView(primary, rad(90), 0.1, 20)
' Render polygons as we add them. If direct mode is false, all polygons are batched, sorted by
' distance and rendered when we call S3D_Render. Here we draw from back to front manually.
road = []
for z = 0 to 999 road[z] = [x: sin(z*0.05)*6, y: sin(z*0.1)*3]
playerz = 0.0
playerx = 0
playery = -1
projected = dim(4) ' Don't want to spawn too many tables in a game loop, reused for calculations.
lastTick = clock()
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
t = clock()
dt = (t - lastTick)/1000
lastTick = t
playerz = playerz + 4*dt
' calculate camera y
if int(playerz) < sizeof(road) - 2
k = playerz%1
playery = (1 - k)*road[int(playerz)].y + k*road[int(playerz) + 1].y - 0.5
playery = road[sizeof(road) - 1].y - 0.5
' move left and right
if keydown(KEY_LEFT) playerx = playerx - 4*dt
if keydown(KEY_RIGHT) playerx = playerx + 4*dt
set color 255, 255, 255
draw image bgImg, 0, -80 - playery*5
S3D_Translate(-playerx, -playery, -playerz)
didFill = false
strips = 0
fills = 0
for i = int(playerz) + 20 to int(playerz)
if i < sizeof(road) - 2
strips = strips + 1
' Do we need to fill with snow color to hide distant objects?
S3D_Project(projected, 0, road[i + 1].y, i + 1)
y0 = round(projected[1])
S3D_Project(projected, 0, road[i].y, i)
y1 = round(projected[1])
if y1 > y0
if not didFill
didFill = true
fills = fills + 1
set color 218, 218, 218
draw rect 0, y0, width(primary), height(primary) - y0, true
set color 255, 255, 255
didFill = false
' Draw road.
x0 = road[i].x
x1 = road[i + 1].x
set color 255, 255, 255
S3D_Vertex(x0 - 2, road[i].y, i, 0, roadImgH)
S3D_Vertex(x0 + 2, road[i].y, i, roadImgW, roadImgH)
S3D_Vertex(x1 + 2, road[i + 1].y, i + 1, roadImgW, 0)
S3D_Vertex(x1 - 2, road[i + 1].y, i + 1, 0, 0)
' Draw sprites.
' Fade in.
z = (i + 1) - playerz
if z > 15
a = ((20 - z)/5)*255
set color 255, 255, 255, a
if i%20 = 0
S3D_Vertex(road[i].x - 5, road[i].y + 0.2, i, 0, height(tunnelImg))
S3D_Vertex(road[i].x + 5, road[i].y + 0.2, i, width(tunnelImg), height(tunnelImg))
S3D_Vertex(road[i].x + 5, road[i].y - 3.5, i, width(tunnelImg), 0)
S3D_Vertex(road[i].x - 5, road[i].y - 3.5, i, 0, 0)
if i%2 = 0
x = x0 - 2.5
S3D_Vertex(x - 0.4, road[i].y, i, 0, height(decorImg))
S3D_Vertex(x + 0.4, road[i].y, i, width(decorImg), height(decorImg))
S3D_Vertex(x + 0.4, road[i].y - 1, i, width(decorImg), 0)
S3D_Vertex(x - 0.4, road[i].y - 1, i, 0, 0)
x = x0 + 2.5
S3D_Vertex(x - 0.4, road[i].y, i, 0, height(decorImg))
S3D_Vertex(x + 0.4, road[i].y, i, width(decorImg), height(decorImg))
S3D_Vertex(x + 0.4, road[i].y - 1, i, width(decorImg), 0)
S3D_Vertex(x - 0.4, road[i].y - 1, i, 0, 0)
set caret 0, 0
wln round(1/dt)
wln strips
wln fills
wait 1