Not sure if I had posted this before... If I have, let me know, and I will delete it... lol
This is a converted QB64 demo created by BPlus...
If you are as old or older than I am then this will be a "flash back"... If you are young, then stare continuously at the rotating pattern, then transfer all your savings to the following account number... Moo Ha Ha Ha Ha....
Variable "t" on line #41 will determine the number of "points" to be drawn. The program will start with one point and increment by one until "t" is reached. Then it starts over again using a different colour... ESC to quit.
' Open a window and enable double buffering.
set window "String Art Animated", 600, 600, false
set redraw off
' Converted from a QB64 program by BPlus
randomize clock()
visible xmax = 600
visible ymax = 600
visible a1, a2, cx, cy, r, s, n, pi, t
visible red, blue, green
r = ymax / 2
cx = xmax / 2
cy = ymax / 2
n = 250
s = 360 / n
red = 175
green = 255
blue = 255
pi = 3.141592654
t = 1
set color 0, 0, 0
'set color red, green, blue
draw ellipse cx - 1, cy, r, r
for i = 1 to n
a1 = s * i
a2 = s * i * t
set color red, green , blue
draw line cx + sin(d2r(a1)) * r, cy + cos(d2r(a1)) * r, cx + sin(d2r(a2)) * r, cy + cos(d2r(a2)) * r
t = t + 0.0125
if t >= 20
t = 1
red = 32 + rnd(33, 255)
green = 32 + rnd(33, 255)
blue = 32 + rnd(33, 255)
This release contains a first version of the enginea library, meant for sector based first person shooter games. This is far from the final version of the library; support for meshes is very basic and has not been tested much.
Added the enginea library and editor (enginea_editor.exe), for sector based first person shooter games, plus a tutorial (EngineA_Tutorial.pdf) and examples in examples/enginea_library
I was tinkering with string manipulation and came across a bit of a 'poser' in regards to the mid() command.
Here is a short example....
' Open a window and enable double buffering.
set window "Test", 800, 632, false
set redraw off
visible a = "ABCDEF"
visible b
visible c
' display the letters "B" to "E" inclusive...
b = mid(a, 1, 4)
pln b
' This works fine...
' But, when I try to make the third letter "D"
' an "X"...
' mid(b, 3, 1) = "X"
' pln b
' I get a syntax error on line 17 during compile
'(remove the "remarks" from lines 17 and 18
' to see what I mean...)
system "pause"
Defining a string then assigning a variable to a "portion" of the string, using mid(), works fine...
But, trying to replace a character, using mid() causes the compilation to fail with a syntax error.
There is no rush on this one... Whenever you are able... Present situation understood... We will "keep an eye on the store" during your break...
I just want to say that I'll be "gone" for a while, in case you wonder why I don't post or reply. Lots of personal things going on, so I don't have any time left for n7. Probably it will get better in a week or two.
Don't sleep, your nightmare is coming ...
click each image to zoom in
- Each kind of weapons has certain number of power / bullet
- Switch your weapon when it has no power / bullet anymore
- Use gun or crossbow to shoot
- Use trident or bare hands for close combat
Control keys :
- W,A,S,D movement
- Mouse rotation
- ESC quit
- 1,2,3,4,5 select weapon
- left click to shoot
' Don't sleep, your nightmare is coming ...
' Tips
' - Each kind of weapons has certain number of power / bullet
' - Switch your weapon when it has no power / bullet anymore
' - Use gun or crossbow to shoot
' - Use trident or bare hands for close combat
' Control keys :
' - W,A,S,D movement
' - Mouse rotation
' - ESC quit
' - 1,2,3,4,5 select weapon
' - left click to shoot
' Acknowledgement :
' - Marcus, enginea library,
' - Game assets
' *Building Pixel by LandEnd Studios
' *Free 3D Fps-Shooter Models | TurboSquid
' *Stealth Battle background music by Mark, meak363 from
' *Different kinds of weapons such as trident, hands, crossbow of The Spriting Dark
' Carnival
' *Man Silhouette
' *Monster
include "myassets/enginea.n7"
include "myassets/disclaimer.n7"
set window "stargate",1000,500,false
set redraw off
constant ENEMY_ID = 6
'color definition
visible white = [255,255,255]
visible black = [0,0,0]
visible green = [0,255,0,150]
visible darkgreen = [0,50,0]
visible red = [255,0,0]
visible gray = [0,0,0,150]
flags = EA_LoadMap("myassets/map.json")
visible player = unset
foreach f in flags
select f.flag
case "player"
player = CreatePlayer(f.x, f.floorY, f.z)
case "monster"
o = CreateEnemy(f.x, f.ceilingY, f.z)
' MAIN (update,draw,run)
function Update(dt)
if keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true) then
if keydown(KEY_M) then stop music music_
function Draw()
set color white
if keydown(KEY_1) then w=1 'gun shooter
if keydown(KEY_2) then w=2 'crossbow
if keydown(KEY_3) then w=3 'trident close combat
if keydown(KEY_4) then w=4 'bare hands close combat
draw image weapon[w],
(width(primary)-width(weapon[w]))/2 - 23 + cos(player.bobAngle*0.5)*player.bobEffect*8,
height(primary)-height(weapon[w])+15 + sin(player.bobAngle)*player.bobEffect*6,
' info box
set color gray
draw rect 20,20,200,200,1
set color white
set caret 40,40
wln "INFO BOX"
wln "-------------------"
wln "Weapon Power"
wln "1.Gun : " + info.gun
wln "2.Crossbow : " + info.crossbow
wln "3.Trident : " + info.trident
wln "4.Bare hands : " + info.barehands
wln "Lifes : " + info.lifes
wln "-------------------"
' Crosshair.
if w=1 then
set color darkgreen
cx = width(primary)/2+ cos(player.bobAngle*0.5)*player.bobEffect*8
cy = height(primary)/2+10+ sin(player.bobAngle)*player.bobEffect*6
draw ellipse cx,cy, 20, 20, false
draw line cx-40, cy, cx+40, cy
draw line cx,cy-40, cx, cy+40
'Player's angle and coordinates
angle = round(deg(player.Yaw())%360)'0=south, 90=west, 180= north, 270=east
x = round(player.X())
y = abs(round(player.Y()))
z = round(player.Z())
set font font20
set color white
set caret 50,320; wln "Compass"
set color green
draw ellipse 80,410,70,70,1
set color darkgreen
draw ellipse 80,410,70,70
draw ellipse 80,410,60,60
draw ellipse 80,410,20,20
set color white
draw ellipse 80,410,10,10,1
needle = [
draw poly needle,1
draw line 80,410,80+70*cos(rad(angle+90)),410+70*sin(rad(angle+90))
size = 30
w_map = 7
h_map = 5
x_rect = width(primary)-w_map*size-40
z_rect = 340
set color green 'frame
draw rect x_rect,z_rect,(w_map+1)*size,h_map*size,1
set color darkgreen 'grid
for i = 0 to w_map+1 draw line x_rect+i*size,z_rect,x_rect+i*size,z_rect+h_map*size 'vertical
for i = 0 to h_map draw line x_rect,z_rect+i*size,x_rect+(w_map+1)*size,z_rect+i*size 'horiontal
'Player's position on the map
posx = x_rect+(w_map-x+2)*size
posz = z_rect+(z-2)*size
set color white
draw rect posx,posz,size,size,1
'Map title
set color white
set caret x_rect,z_rect-20; wln "Map "+x+","+y+","+z
set font 0 'default
function CreatePlayer(x, y, z)
player = EA_FpsPlayer()
player.SetPos(x, y, z)
.cel = (.cel + dt*4)%4 'animation
.SetCel(int(.cel)) 'animation
if .state = 0 'Falling from the sky (... ceiling).
res = .Move(0, .dy*dt, 0, 0) 'only move vertically
if res.g 'ground collision
.state = 1 'change state to 1
.dy = 1 'set gravity to 1
.SetSprite(enemy2, 0, true)
res = .Move(.DX()*0.75*dt, .dy, .DZ()*0.75*dt, 0)
if res.w 'wall
.SetYaw(rad(deg(atan2(res.dx, - 90 + rnd()*180))
.push = max(.push - 1.5*dt, 0)
'collision enemy and player (close combat)
if .CollidesWith(player) and (w=3 or w=4) then
'close combat trident or barehands
if info.trident > 0 and w=3 then
info.trident = info.trident - 1
if info.barehands > 0 and w=4 then
info.barehands = info.barehands - 1
'collision enemy and player (not close combat)
if .CollidesWith(player) and (w=1 or w=2) then 'not a close combat, only gun or crossbow
info.lifes = info.lifes - 1
if info.lifes<=0 then Message(failed)
set color red
draw rect 0,0,width(primary),height(primary),1
fwait 60
function CreateEnemyBullet(img, x, y, z, dx, dy, dz)
b = EA_Object()
b.SetPos(x, y, z)
b.SetSprite(img, 0, false)
b.dx = dx
b.dy = dy = dz
b.numCels = cels(img)
b.cel = 0
b.Update = function(dt)
if .numCels > 1
.cel = (.cel + dt*30)%.numCels
res = .Move(.dx*dt, .dy*dt, .dz*dt, 0)
if res.any
'collision detection enemy bullet and player
if .CollidesWith(player)
info.lifes = info.lifes - 1
if info.lifes<=0 then Message(failed)
set color red
draw rect 0,0,width(primary),height(primary),1
fwait 60
return b
function Message(img)
set color white
draw image img,(width(primary)-width(img))/2,(height(primary)-height(img))/2
set font font40
set caret width(primary)/2,height(primary)-50
center "Press ESC to continue"
do; wait 1 ;until keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true)
set font 0 'default
Many years ago, and I may have mentioned this before, I attempted to use Blender to add objects to Cube2 (sauerbratten) primarily to see if I could and to determine how much work was involved. I had no idea about making models - and still don't - so I used a 'tutorial' to make a 3D wooden crate and a 3D vase.
Initially, the overall "look" of Blender was, for want of a better word, intimidating... Thankfully I had the tutorials to work through. I think it took about half an hour to create each model. Repetition would obviously improve efficiency, but both objects were created successfully... mind you, the final 'size' of the models, looked a little out of place... I think they were too big...
Back then I wasn't interested in 'animations'... ha... I had enough trouble getting my head around static objects... lol
I went online to check 3D modelling software... Yikes... Most either had some huge purchase costs or subscription based plans. There were one or two "free" packages but were quite limited in what they could do...
Found, downloaded and installed the latest version of Blender... Started it up... Almost fell off the chair... I thought the really old version of Blender was intimidating!! I am not sure I have enough years left in me to learn everything... For free and open source software it sure has pretty much all the "bells and whistles"... Really impressive... but scary!
In the first level there are those mechanical birds that move from left to right but at any moment they launch themselves towards the player and then return to their initial position. How can you make them return to their initial position with that motion?