constant WIN_W = 640, WIN_H = 480
set window "Sleepy Tunnel", WIN_W, WIN_H
set redraw off
aa = 0
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE, true)
aa = aa + 0.05
zoffset = (zoffset + 0.001)%0.01
set color 0, 0, 0
set color 255, 255, 255
maxz = 0.1 + 150*0.01
for i = 150 to 0
z = 0.1 + i*0.01 - zoffset
s = 50/z
x = cos(z*5 + aa)*(z - 0.1)*50
y = sin(z*5 + aa)*(z - 0.1)*25
intens = 255 - 255*z*1.5/maxz
set color intens*0.5, intens, intens*0.75
draw pixel WIN_W/2 + x/z + cos(rad(0))*s, WIN_H/2 + y/z + sin(rad(0))*s
a = 15
while a <= 360
draw line to WIN_W/2 + x/z + cos(rad(a))*s, WIN_H/2 + y/z + sin(rad(a))*s
a = a + 15
fwait 60
Possible use in games, such as
- Space Invaders, Gargoyle Attack
- Tetris
'Possible use in games, such as
'- Space Invaders, Gargoyle Attack
'- Tetris
'Rotate : only multiplication of 90 degree
set window "Pixel Art", 150, 150, false,4
set redraw off
'Pause and wait until SPACE BAR is pressed, ESCAPE to quit
set caret width(primary)/2, height(primary)-20
center "SPACE BAR"; redraw
do;wait 1;if keydown(KEY_ESCAPE,true) end;until keydown(KEY_SPACE,true)
if scale < 10 then
scale = scale + 1
scale = 1
if rotate < 3 then
rotate = rotate + 1
rotate = 0
free image Sprite.img 'free image from memory
function Scale(data,s)
img = createimage(8*s,8*s); set image img
for y = 0 to 7
for x = 0 to 7
if data[y][x] then
set color cGreen
set color cBlack
draw rect x*s,y*s,s,s,1
set image primary; return img
function Rotate(data,s,r)
img = createimage(8*s,8*s); set image img
for y = 0 to 6
for x = 0 to 6
if data[y][x] then
set color cGreen
set color cBlack
'(a,b) = center point of rotation
'(x,y) is rotated into (m,n)
'd = angle of rotation in radian
'm = cos(d)*(x-a)-sin(d)*(y-b)+a
'n = sin(d)*(x-a)+cos(d)*(y-b)+b
a = 3
b = 3
d = r*90*(22/7)/180
m = (round((cos(d)*(x-a))-(sin(d)*(y-b))+a))
n = (round((sin(d)*(x-a))+(cos(d)*(y-b))+b))
draw rect m*s,n*s,s,s,1
set image primary; return img
function TitleScreen()
set caret width(primary)/2,5
center "Scaling and"
center "Rotating"
set caret width(primary)/2, height(primary)-20
center "Press ENTER"
do;wait 1;until keydown(KEY_RETURN,true)
Here's a pool game that I have been working on. You can play against another player, or the computer.
I've tried to include playing hints that show up as you play - there's no time pressure, so you can take the time to read these as they appear in the lower part of the screen.
The main control is the mouse or trackpad. When it is your turn to play, press AND HOLD DOWN the left mouse button to lift the pool cue. You can then position the cue by using the mouse, while keeping the mouse button pressed down. The further away from the white ball the mouse goes, the more powerful the shot will be. When you are happy with the mouse position, release the mouse button to take the shot.
There's no image files needed, so you can just run the n7 file from the zip, or use the executable.
I am curious as to "how" your SFX program actually generates tones. For instance: Most Music Notation software relies on a "soundfont" (database of stored samples) to play various instruments but usually require the use of a midi compatible sound card... Are you using a 'secret' method (similar to KFC's herbs and spices) to access the midi port?... Perhaps a little magic or 'slight of hand'? Just curious...
This is a simple side scroller. Collect as many "stars" as you can. It stars off slow, but as your score increases, so does your speed. But, if you miss a star, you will lose a life....
Mouse controlled (vertical only) - Note: The sounds were created by Marcus's SFX library....
For those who are patient enough... post your final scores.... lol
Here comes a new release with the online high-score library (ohs), updated since I posted it in a thread a while ago, and the sfx library.
The compiler and the generated programs are from now and on 64 bit. libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll is no longer required for the programs to run. ibwinpthread-1.dll and libportaudio.dll are still required but have been replaced with 64 bit versions
Added the sfx library for creating sound effects with two examples in examples/sfx_library
Added the ohs library for online high-score lists with two examples in examples/ohs_library
Added some programs by members of the naalaa forum to examples/other
I think a horizontal bar is necessary so that when the code is very wide it can be moved horizontally comfortably.
I mention this because when creating the scenarios in the platform game that I am making, the scenario is a list and I have not been able to make it very long because I had to move with the keyboard arrows from left to right and when I reached the end I returned to the beginning.
And it was very tiresome to have to move around with the keys again.
Here comes a library for creating sound effects. It's an improvement of the thing I made for that Defender-clone. You now have more advanced control over the frequency and volume of the sounds you create. You can also add echo effects and save your masterpieces as wav files.
' sfx_library_example
' -------------------
' Include the sfx library.
include "sfx.n7"
' Create a window and print instructions.
set window "SFX", 640, 480
wln "1 - Play a square wave sound effect"
wln "2 - Play a sine wave sound effect"
wln "3 - Play a noise sound effect"
wln "Esc - Quit"
' Create an sfx instance.
sfx = SFX()
' You can use 'SetSampleRate(value)' to change the sample rate that is used when creating sounds.
' It defaults to 16000 (so the call below is just for show). There's no point setting a higher value
' than 22050, since that is the output frequency of all audio in n7.
' Use 'SetEcho(count, delay, dropOff, panning)' to enable an echo effect for all sound effects
' created. Set the 'count' parameter to 0 to disable echo. Echo is disabled by default. 'count' is
' the number of echos and 'delay' is the delay in seconds between them. 'dropOff' decides how much
' the volume will decrase for each echo. If 'dropOff' is 0.5, the first echo will have that volume,
' the second one 0.5*0.5 = 0.26 and so on. 'panning', [-1..1] can be used to make the echo bounce
' between the left and right speakers. The 'panning' value is inverted after each echo. Set
' 'panning' to 0 to disable panning.
sfx.SetEcho(2, 0.4, 0.1, 0)
' Use 'SquareWave(duration, freq, vol)' to create a square wave sound. 'duration' is the duration in
' seconds (excluding any echo effect). 'freq' is the frequency. It can be either a number or an
' array of numbers. In the case of an array, it is evaluated as a one dimensional bezier curve. It's
' not as complicated as it may sound. To make a sound start with a frequencey of 500 and end with
' 1000, simply set the 'freq' parameter to [500, 1000]. 'vol' is the volume, and just like 'freq' it
' can be a number or an array. The 'vol' value(s) should be in the range [0..1].
crispSound = sfx.SquareWave(0.5, [50, 100, -500, 1000], [0.5, 1, 0])
' You can also use 'SaveSquareWave(filename, duration, freq, vol)' to save a sound to a wav file.
'sfx.SaveSquareWave("crisp_sound.wav", 0.5, [50, 100, -500, 1000], [0.5, 1, 0])
' Change the echo effect and use 'SineWave(duration, freq, vol)' to create a sine wave sound. The
' parameters work just as they do for 'SquareWave'.
sfx.SetEcho(2, 0.15, 0.2, 0)
blubSound = sfx.SineWave(0.2, [0, 500, 25, 500], [0, 1, 0])
' You can also use 'SaveSine'Wave(filename, duration, freq, vol)' to save a sound to a wav file.
'sfx.SaveSineWave("blub_sound.wav", 0.2, [0, 500, 25, 500], [0, 1, 0])
' This time, use panning for the echo effect. 'Noise(duration, freq, vol)' creates a noise sound,
' and the parameters work just the same way as they do for 'SquareWave' and 'SineWave'.
sfx.SetEcho(2, 0.4, 0.2, -0.5)
boomSound = sfx.Noise(0.6, [5000, 100], [1, 0, 1, 0])
' You can also use 'SaveNoise(filename, duration, freq, vol)' to save a sound to a wav file.
'sfx.SaveNoise("boom_sound.wav", 0.6, [5000, 100], [1, 0, 1, 0])
' Let the user play the sound effects.
while not keydown(KEY_ESCAPE)
if keydown(KEY_1, true) play sound crispSound
if keydown(KEY_2, true) play sound blubSound
if keydown(KEY_3, true) play sound boomSound
fwait 60
' ---
' A library for creating simple sound effects.
' By Marcus.
' GetSampleRate
' -------------
' Return number of samples per second.
sfx.GetSampleRate = function()
return this.sr
' SetSampleRate
' -------------
' Set number of samples per second.
sfx.SetSampleRate = function(sampleRate)
assert sampleRate >= 8000 and sampleRate <= 22050, "SFX.SetSampleRate: Invalid sample rate"
this.sr = sampleRate
' SetEcho
' -------
' Add 'count' number of echos with a delay of 'delay' seconds. Set 'count' to 0 to disable echo.
' The volume is multiplied by 'dropOff' for each echo. 'pan', [-1..1], can be used to make the
' sound bounce between the left and right speaker. A value of -1 means that the first echo will
' be played only on the left side, and 1 means it will be played on the right side. After each
' echo the pan value is inverted. Set 'pan' to 0 to disable panning.
sfx.SetEcho = function(count, delay, dropOff, pan)
assert count >= 0, "SFX.SetEcho: Invalid count"
assert delay >= 0, "SFX.SetEcho: Invalid delay"
this.ech = count
this.echDel = delay
this.echDO = dropOff
this.echPan = pan
' SineWaveData
' ------------
' Return sine wave data lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be in
' the range [0..1].
sfx.SineWaveData = function(duration, freq, vol)
assert duration > 0, "SFX.SineWaveData: Invalid duration"
if typeof(freq) <> TYPE_TABLE freq = [freq]
if typeof(vol) <> TYPE_TABLE vol = [vol]
freqDegree = sizeof(freq) - 1
freqBc = BinomialCoefficients(freqDegree)
volDegree = sizeof(vol) - 1
volBc = BinomialCoefficients(volDegree)
data = []
a = 0
p = 0
dp = 1/(duration*this.sr)
for i = 0 to duration*this.sr - 1
data[i] = sin(a)*EvaluateCurve(vol, volBc, p)
a = a + 2*PI*EvaluateCurve(freq, freqBc, p)/this.sr
p = p + dp
if this.ech
return ApplyEcho(data, this.ech, int(this.echDel*this.sr), this.echDO, this.echPan)
return [data, data]
' SineWave
' --------
' Return a sine wave sound lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be
' a number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be
' a number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be
' in the range [0..1].
sfx.SineWave = function(duration, freq, vol)
data = this.SineWaveData(duration, freq, vol)
return createsound(data[0], data[1], this.sr)
' SaveSineWave
' ------------
' Save sine wave sound lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be in
' the range [0..1].
sfx.SaveSineWave = function(filename, duration, freq, vol)
data = this.SineWaveData(duration, freq, vol)
return SaveWav(filename, data[0], data[1], this.sr)
' SquareWaveData
' --------------
' Return square wave data lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be
' in the range [0..1].
sfx.SquareWaveData = function(duration, freq, vol)
assert duration > 0, "SFX.SquareWave: Invalid duration"
if typeof(freq) <> TYPE_TABLE freq = [freq]
if typeof(vol) <> TYPE_TABLE vol = [vol]
freqDegree = sizeof(freq) - 1
freqBc = BinomialCoefficients(freqDegree)
volDegree = sizeof(vol) - 1
volBc = BinomialCoefficients(volDegree)
data = []
a = 0
p = 0
dp = 1/(duration*this.sr)
for i = 0 to duration*this.sr - 1
sa = sin(a)
if sa < 0 sa = -1
elseif sa > 0 sa = 1
data[i] = sa*EvaluateCurve(vol, volBc, p)
a = a + 2*PI*EvaluateCurve(freq, freqBc, p)/this.sr
p = p + dp
if this.ech
return ApplyEcho(data, this.ech, int(this.echDel*this.sr), this.echDO, this.echPan)
return [data, data]
' SquareWave
' ----------
' Return a square wave sound lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be
' a number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be
' a number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be
' in the range [0..1].
sfx.SquareWave = function(duration, freq, vol)
data = this.SquareWaveData(duration, freq, vol)
return createsound(data[0], data[1], this.sr)
' SaveSquareWave
' --------------
' Save a square wave sound lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be
' in the range [0..1].
sfx.SaveSquareWave = function(filename, duration, freq, vol)
data = this.SquareWaveData(duration, freq, vol)
return SaveWav(filename, data[0], data[1], this.sr)
' NoiseData
' ---------
' Return noise data lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be
' in the range [0..1].
sfx.NoiseData = function(duration, freq, vol)
assert duration > 0, "SFX.Noise: Invalid duration"
if typeof(freq) <> TYPE_TABLE freq = [freq]
if typeof(vol) <> TYPE_TABLE vol = [vol]
freqDegree = sizeof(freq) - 1
freqBc = BinomialCoefficients(freqDegree)
volDegree = sizeof(vol) - 1
volBc = BinomialCoefficients(volDegree)
data = []
tick = 0
value = 0
deta = 0
p = 0
dp = 1/(duration*this.sr)
for i = 0 to duration*this.sr - 1
tick = tick - 1
if tick <= 0
tick = this.sr/EvaluateCurve(freq, freqBc, p)
delta = ((rnd()*2 - 1) - value)/tick
value = value + delta
data[i] = value*EvaluateCurve(vol, volBc, p)
p = p + dp
if this.ech
return ApplyEcho(data, this.ech, int(this.echDel*this.sr), this.echDO, this.echPan)
return [data, data]
' Noise
' -----
' Return a noise sound lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be
' in the range [0..1].
sfx.Noise = function(duration, freq, vol)
data = this.NoiseData(duration, freq, vol)
return createsound(data[0], data[1], this.sr)
' SaveNoise
' ---------
' Save a noise sound lasting for 'duration' seconds. 'freq' is the frequency and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. 'vol' is the volume and can be a
' number or an array of numbers, treated as a 1D bezier curve. The 'vol' value(s) should be
' in the range [0..1].
sfx.SaveNoise = function(filename, duration, freq, vol)
data = this.NoiseData(duration, freq, vol)
return SaveWav(filename, data[0], data[1], this.sr)
return sfx
' BinomialCoefficients
' --------------------
function BinomialCoefficients(n)
function bc(n, k)
if n = k return 1
v = 1
i = 1
while i <= k
v = v*int((n + 1 - i)/i)
i = i + 1
return v
c = []
for i = 0 to n c[i] = bc(n, i)
return c
' EvaluateCurve
' -------------
function EvaluateCurve(points, bcs, param)
n = sizeof(points) - 1
v = 0
for i = 0 to n v = v + bcs[i]*(1 - param)^(n - i)*param^i*points[i]
return v
' ApplyEcho
' ---------
function ApplyEcho(data, count, offset, dropOff, pan)
pan = max(min(pan, 1), -1)
ldata = fill(0, count*offset + sizeof(data))
rdata = fill(0, count*offset + sizeof(data))
for i = 0 to sizeof(data) - 1
ldata[i] = data[i]
rdata[i] = data[i]
for i = 1 to count
offs = i*offset
vol = dropOff^i
lvol = vol*cos((pan + 1)*0.5*PI*0.5)
rvol = vol*sin((pan + 1)*0.5*PI*0.5)
for j = 0 to sizeof(data) - 1
ldata[offs + j] = ldata[offs + j] + data[j]*lvol
rdata[offs + j] = rdata[offs + j] + data[j]*rvol
pan = -pan
return [ldata, rdata]
' SaveWav
' -------
function SaveWav(filename, ldata, rdata, sampleRate)
function WriteBinChars(f, txt)
for i = 0 to len(txt) - 1 write file f, asc(mid(txt, i)), 8
f = createfile(filename, true)
if typeof(f)
if ldata = rdata channels = 1
else channels = 2
for i = 0 to sizeof(ldata) - 1 ldata[i] = max(min(ldata[i], 1), -1)
if channels = 2 for i = 0 to sizeof(rdata) - 1 rdata[i] = max(min(rdata[i], 1), -1)
WriteBinChars(f, "RIFF")
frameCount = sizeof(ldata)
bits = 16
mul = 32767
length = int(frameCount*channels*bits/8)
write file f, length + 44 - 8, 32, false
WriteBinChars(f, "WAVE")
WriteBinChars(f, "fmt ")
write file f, 16, 32, false
write file f, 1, 16, false
write file f, channels, 16, false
write file f, sampleRate, 32, false
write file f, int(sampleRate*bits*channels/8), 32, false
write file f, int(channels*bits/8), 16, false
write file f, bits, 16, false
WriteBinChars(f, "data")
write file f, length, 32, false
if channels = 1
for i = 0 to sizeof(ldata) - 1 write file f, ldata[i]*mul, 16, true
for i = 0 to sizeof(ldata) - 1
write file f, ldata[i]*mul, 16, true
write file f, rdata[i]*mul, 16, true
free file f
return true
return false